NHS Jobs
Walsall, West Midlands | United Kingdom
Job description
Anticipate and prepare the theatres for use:- Checking all equipment is in working order Assemble and attach all specialist equipment to operating tables, camerasystems etc.1. Prepare equipment prior to start of surgery undertaking routine checksreporting any defects to the Team Leader2. Collect patients from wards, ensuring correct identity, patients recordsand accompany patients to theatre, returning patients to wards postrecovery.3. Assisting in the transfer of patients from trolley to table and back, assisting inthe positioning of patients on the table to the surgeons requirements undersupervision.4. Preparing and assisting medical staff with the application of Plaster ofParis5. Holding Limbs as directed by medical staff during preparation of thepatientFor One & All6. Applies tourniquets under supervision of the surgeon.7. Moving of Theatre Lights and assisting in the use of headlights as instructed bythe surgeon8. Undertake circulating duties as and when directed by theatrepractitioners9. Assist in the anesthetic room and recovery as directed by the theatrepractitioners.10. To undertake general cleaning duties in order to maintain a suitable operatingenvironment11.To clean down Theatre between procedures, as appropriate, ensuring thethorough decontamination of the Theatre, equipment and instrumentation.Returning equipment and consumables to their storage area12.Ensuring Stock levels are maintained and all HSDU is appropriately stored foruse, identifying or anticipating any problems to be reported to the team leader13.In the absence of the storekeeper, to be responsible for the orderingand storing of consumables in the store room.14.Ensure that all documentation, both clinical and administrative, iscompleted electronically or written correctly15.Responsible for the cleaning of Surgeons theatre shoes and generalhousekeeping duties at the end of the day.16.Collect blood from blood bank. Take specimens to path lab, ensuring correctdocumentation is completed and specimens are transported correctly.
Job tags
£22.38k per annum