Learning Disability Social Worker
Redbridge, Greater London | United Kingdom
Job description
Job Category :Social Care – Qualified
Location :852 Cranbrook Road, Redbridge Council
Hours Per Week : 36.00
Start Date : Immediate Start
Start Time : 09:00
End Time : 17:00
Salary: £25.29
Learning Disability Social Work Job Description
Qualification: BA or MA in Social Work
Experience: A minimum of 5 years post-qualification LD experience. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT CVs THAT DO NOT HAVE THIS LEVEL OF EXPERINECE IN LD.
Fundamental to fulfilling the responsibilities of this post is the ability to work collaboratively and to respond flexibly, positively, and successfully to the ever-changing pressures that local authorities and their partners face.
The candidate must assist Redbridge Council in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities concerning the Care Act 2014, National Framework for NHS CHC assessments, Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberties, Safeguarding, and other appropriate legislation.
Fundamental to fulfilling the responsibilities of this post is the ability to respond flexibly and positively across adults to deliver NHS CHC assessments and reviews.
This Job Description is a guide to the level and range of responsibilities the post holder will be expected to undertake initially. It is neither exhaustive nor inclusive and will be changed from time to time to meet changing circumstances and demands.
Key Accountabilities Specific to this Post:
- To provide face-to-face holistic and comprehensive strength-based case management services to all clients, including care management assessments/reviews and carer assessments/reviews, risk assessments, mental capacity assessments, best interest assessments and ordinary residence transfers using your ability to present ideas relating to individual needs to include a range of options.
- To manage and outcome complex Continuing Healthcare cases and disputes. To work collaboratively with Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) as guided by the National Framework for CHC.
- To liaise and consult with users, carers, colleagues, and a range of statutory and voluntary agencies to compile information to assess client needs.
- Ensure that users have access to translation and interpretation services and that Braille and signing facilities are available wherever possible.
- To be sensitive to the dynamics of the client’s social and cultural situation and facilitate communication – to offer sensitive social work collaboration and an appropriate level of counselling and advocacy.
- To facilitate client independence and empowerment as far as possible by ensuring that all stages of a client’s assessment are strength-based involving the client and carers. Ensure that clients and carers are fully informed of their rights and access all relevant information.
- To produce detailed assessment/care plans/reviews/reports as necessary and maintain up-to-date computerised client records of ahigh standard to ensure good social work practice. Additionally, to provide all required documentation to service users and their representatives on time.
- To work proactively and extensively in partnership with other agencies, including health, education, carers’ services, careers’services, and other statutory and voluntary agencies, to facilitate joint services planning for service users and their families.
- To work closely and positively with clients and their families to identify their needs and goals and coordinate necessary resources to meet those goals in a safe, effective, efficient, equitable and person-centred manner, ensuring that individual care plans are responsive to all needs of users, including their religious, cultural and linguistic needs, and the needs of disabled service users.
- To work with Commissioning Team, the Housing Resettlement Services. Extra Care Housing and Supported Living providers to identifynon-residential options for service users where appropriate.
- To liaise with service users and their representatives to signpost/refer them to support services and resources, including benefits, advocacy, housing, citizen’s advice bureau and other external agencies which may assist in meeting their needs.
- To maintain a courteous, helpful and polite response to users at all times and to ensure that individual needs are recognised and supported.
- To attend multidisciplinary case conferences, meetings and reviews, as appropriate, identifying the individual needs of users, recommending appropriate packages of care, and ensuring that service users and carers are supported in making a full contribution to meetings.
- To work with the Transition Team to manage the smooth handover/transfer of cases to the adult team, ensuring that all entries are updated on Carefirst by the responsible person accordingly
- To participate in the Team’s Duty Rota, responding to calls requiring urgent intervention, including situations which require investigationand action under Safeguarding Procedures.
- To respond effectively
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