

Your Career. Our Passion.

Care Manager

FTM Dance


Nottingham | United Kingdom

Job description

The Care Manager will be responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day operations, including managing the staff teams (support workers, volunteers and teaching staff) and ensuring that the quality and safety of the services we provide meets national care standards.

The Care Manager will undertake a visible leadership role, having responsibility and accountability for the team and will work collaboratively with the local authority, parents and carers and a range of other partners, to deliver our services and meet the needs of the adults, children and young people attending.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

• Ensu r e t he delivery of quality, creative and person-centered care .

• Manag e a team of Support Workers, volunteers and teachers including training, supervision and retention.

• Coordinat e your staff teams weekly r ota’s and ensur e we have appropriate and high-quality staff covering all sessions, on occasions when this is not possible this may mean the Care Manager covering a session .

• Creat e a bank of staff who can be called on at short notice to cover sessions and for us to take last-minute emergency referrals.

• Monitor, spot check and supervise your staff teams practise, daily notes (tapestry) and feedback to them regular ly to ensure the quality of the care is always developing and meeting the needs of the service users and in line with care standards.

• F ollow the disciplinary procedure with your staff teams when required.

• H av e regular contact with the teachers to ensure they are understanding how to meet the care needs of our service users in sessions , and offer training if needed.

• Liais e with the Operations Manager to ensure needs are being met and understood fully by all staff teams , to create high-quality sessions that are challenging and developing our young people .

• E nsur e staff teams are working in line with their job descriptions and that their training and CPD is kept up to date .

• M aintain high levels of engagement with our service users to ensure that care is being provided to the highest standard and in line with their needs.

• Speak with parents, clients and staff with any complaints, comments and suggestions and manag e th ese appropriately , chairing meetings and delivering further training for staff as required.

• Embrac e a visible leadership role .

• M aintain quality standards and ensure health and safety compliance at all times .

• L iais e with, and maintain partnerships with other local community organi s ations .

• E nsur e any care, support or medical activity , such as personal care and administering medicines are delivered within regulations , with trained and experienced staff .

• P rovid e information, advice and support to FTM Dance students and families .

• Safeguard and promot e the welfare of the children and vulnerable adults attending the service.

• E nsur e the quality of care provided is consistent with current legislation .

• L iais e with local authorities as well as health and other professionals working with the children, young people and adults .

• M anag e Child/Adult protection concerns and complaints .

• Complet e care planning, risk assessments, statutory case reviews and case conferences , and letters of support if required.

• S upport children, young people and adults emotional and behavioural needs .

• W ork in line with FTM Dance policies and procedures.

• Cover for other managers across FTM Dance locations within Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire, as and when required.

• M anage internal and external audit processes.

• Act as a K ey H older for FTM Dance Nottingham premises.

Please note that this job description is not exhaustive and is intended only to highlight the core duties and responsibilities. The duties of this post may be subject to change over time and in consultation with the postholder if necessary.


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Bank staffLocal area


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