NHS Jobs
West Bromwich, West Midlands | United Kingdom
Job description
To engage young people who are experiencing a first episode of psychosis/at risk mental state in a sensitive and non-stigmatising way, taking full account of their need to stay connected with the ordinary activities of their lives. To work with, promote and develop appropriate models of community care i.e. psychosocial, social inclusion, family interventions, solution focused and health assessments. To lead on the delivery of care that is client focused and culturally competent. To support the team in achieving the Referral to Treatment Standard and NCAP audit targets. To work in a client focused way in a variety of non-traditional settings. To contribute to the assessment of care needs, development, implementation and evaluation of programmes of care in the context of the care programme approach. To contribute to assessment of educational support needs with other agencies. To provide supervision and leadership to junior members of staff to ensure delivery of programmes of care for patients on their caseload. To identify, report and act on service deficits, limitations/development opportunities to senior colleagues. To use clinical judgement to monitor the well being of patients/clients and develop and monitor practice in relation to protecting individuals whose health and well being is at risk To promote positive health by informing and educating patients/carers on mental health issues and treatments and is responsible for ensuring all staff practice this approach. To ensure effective communication with the multidisciplinary team, service users and carers about programmes of care both routine and complex. To develop and promote networking with other agencies including housing, school, employment, leisure and benefit agencies. To promote and maintain confidentiality in accordance with the Data Protection Act and professional code of conduct. To ensure and promote service user, carer and relatives involvement whenever practicable throughout the episode of care and clinical practice. To be conversant and practice within the Mental Health Act 1983 Mental Capacity Act 2005. To maintain and monitor records in accordance with local policies. If appropriate to professional role, to administer, store and order medications in line with Trust policy. Monitor and report to the medical staff the effects of medication and ensure that all staff practice within the administration of medication policy. To contribute, promote and ensure quality initiatives and audits e.g. clinical audit, essence of care. To ensure the development of knowledge and ideas and to support and promote evidenced based practice. To allocate, delegate and supervise the work of junior members of staff as appropriate to their level of ability. To participate in regular management supervision with the Early Intervention Team manager and attend regular clinical supervision with supervisor. To ensure that there is an environment conducive to learning and contribute to the development of all members of staff and students on placement. To receive and conduct PDRs and develop PDP for self and staff. To work in collaboration with the team manager to support the development of community services. As a qualified Mental Health Practitioner the post holder will contribute and develop operational procedures for overseeing the co-ordination of the care planning process and the effective supervision of the junior members of the team.
Job tags
£35.39k - £42.62k per annum