

Your Career. Our Passion.

Teacher of Geography

Blenheim High School


Epsom, Surrey | United Kingdom

Job description

Job Purpose
• To ensure that all students make maximum progress.
• To deliver engaging, differentiated and well-planned lessons guided by Blenheim’s 10 Typical best practices.
• To achieve high standards of student attainment and progress in public examinations.
• To ensure students of all ages are supported and challenged as necessary and achieve optimum levels of engagement with school life.
• To support and challenge members of the department as necessary thus ensuring that the student experience and progress is maximised.
• To help maximise student attendance by the department delivering creative, innovative and rewarding lessons.
• To role model excellent practices, going ‘above and beyond’, intervening with students outside the curriculum so they ‘catch up’ as quickly as possible.
• To support and challenge Heads of Year so that underachieving students have barriers removed from their learning and regularly show good learning behaviours including being properly equipped for lessons.
• To encourage students to follow the SHAPE and PLEASE principle, that guide students’ learning behaviours.
• To follow department and whole school guidelines e.g. deadlines are met, registers are taken, students have challenging starter activities recapping prior learning, the main parts of lessons involve students applying their newly acquired skills or knowledge regularly and expediently etc.
• To ensure lessons are well planned and follow schemes of work with regular and consistent assessments providing students with high quality feedback which they are accountable for acting upon via DIRT marking.
• To encourage a culture of shared practice in the department where resources are shared, practices are discussed and peer lesson observations take place on a regular basis; typically half termly.
• To communicate with parents on a range of issues, particularly where students are underachieving.
• To communicate appropriate information to teaching and support staff.
• To contribute to a confidential record of issues affecting the educational progress of students.
• To be highly visible and a point of contact for students and families.
• To reinforce consistently the school’s 10 school uniform non-negotiables.

• To be familiar with school policies, in particular safeguarding procedures, and promote the welfare of children.

Key Responsibilities
• To advocate the place of the department in the curriculum and the benefits it will provide students once they leave school.
• Ensure potentially vulnerable students succeed through differentiation and stimulating lesson delivery.
• Track and monitor data and use it optimally to inform practice.
• Produce internal and external reports as necessary.
• To contribute to whole school events as necessary and weekly duties.
• Communicate effectively and purposefully with parents so they are well informed.
• Promote positive attitudes to learning and behaviour for learning with vulnerable students.
• Liaise with the SEND and EAL Departments to ensure students with unique needs are effectively catered for.
• Uphold and promote the values and ethos of the school.

Job tags

Full time


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