Enfield Council
Enfield, Greater London | United Kingdom
Job description
Job Category : Social Care – Unqualified
Location : Civic Centre, Enfield Council
Hours Per Week : 35.00
Start Date : Immediate Start
Start Time : 09:00
End Time : 17:00
Salary: £14.81
Provide an efficient and effective service in respect of the administration of and casework relating to the formal assessment, statementing and review procedures, including placement and provision, for pupils with special educational needs, working closely with the Named Officers. The postholder would be required to do this within the context of the Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs, the national and local education system and local policies and objectives. Undertake Casework relating to the provision of transport support for children and young people with special educational needs to facilitate their attendance at school or college
⦁ ensuring compliance with the statutory deadlines for the assessment and statementing process and that relevant forms and letters are sent to parents, schools and other professionals or agencies. The statutory deadlines are closely monitored and measured by Audit Commission Performance Indictors.
⦁ interviewing/talking to parents to advise them on their response to the assessment and statement procedures, where necessary recording verbal statements and arranging for interpreters, translators or signers as required, making recommendations to the Named Officers about action that may be required or referring on more complex cases
⦁ negotiating with and clarifying to parents or schools their rights and responsibilities in respect of the various stages of the assessment and statementing procedure and educational placement
⦁ ensuring that schools are complying with the annual review process referring more complex issues to the Named Officers or Service Manager.
⦁ writing formal Statements for pupils of all ages with special educational needs in consultation with the Named Officers following section 323 assessments and annual reviews referring complex cases to the appropriate Named Officer or Service Manager and to deal with associated casework arising from this.
⦁ working with the Named Officers to investigate and identify appropriate provision, (schools or units) for pupils with special educational needs to be recommended to the SEN Panel and ensuring that provision is DFCS approved
⦁ providing parents with details of the placement recommended for their child, making suitable travel arrangements for them to attend interviews in liaison with headteachers, the Education Welfare Service and social workers where necessary.
⦁ consulting with and negotiating, as directed, with headteachers and others to ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils with SEN and as indicated on the child’s Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Previous relevant experience of administrative work or casework related to children with Special Educational Needs and an understanding of the SEN Code of Practice
Experience of working in a front line service and dealing with customers
Ability to use initiative, work methodically, manage and prioritise own workload and work of others to meet deadlines, maintaining quality of service when under pressure
Experience of communicating and dealing with other professionals, parents, their advocates, schools by letter, face to face or on the telephone
Ability to assimilate and reproduce information from a range of professional reports and letters
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