NHS Jobs
Blackpool, Lancashire | United Kingdom
Job description
OVERALL PURPOSE: To utilise specialist skill and knowledge in providing a high level of practical and emotional care. Provide support to patients and their families who are in the last year of life and whose preferred place of care is home. JOB PURPOSE: The HCA will assist in the identification of health needs and participate in the delivery and evaluation of care that meets the needs of the designated patient caseload. Working in partnership with a range of health care professionals they will undertake a range of delegated tasks that include: · Supporting admission/discharge of patients · Provide care to enable patients to remain at home · Bereavement support CLINICAL CARE · Under the direction of the healthcare professional, participate in the assessment, admission and discharge and handover of patients. · Assist in the management of continence including catheter drainage, stoma care and incontinence garments. · Provide support and assistance to professionals in the implementation of plans of care for individual patients. · Assist with washing, bathing, showering, dressing, undressing, hair and oral care as part of 72-hour care package. · Recognise when patients’ symptoms or general well-being has changed and report to nurse in charge. · Monitor and report pressure area concerns. · Respond appropriately to clinical emergencies to ensure the patient receives appropriate care. · Ensure the safe handling and mobilisation of patients and when necessary to assist in the transportation of patients. · Chaperone patients to and from home/hospital/hospice following assessment by a registered nurse, to maintain patient safety. · Care for the body after death and support family members/carers appropriately. · Respond to patient requests for non-clinical information to improve communication. · Facilitate an effective and efficient handover of patients between each community service. · Provide practical comfort, care and support to patients, carers, and families. Ensure that patients receive high quality clinical and personal care and a good patient experience, having regard for their customs, religious beliefs, and doctrines. · Recognise the patient’s right to privacy, dignity and confidentiality, showing due regard for the patient’s property. · Act as an advocate for patients to ensure a patient-orientated approach to the delivery of care. PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE · Lead the ‘what matters to me’ conversations with patients and families incorporating PPD discussions and ensuring information is passed on to appropriate health care professionals involved in care. · Provide comfort and support to patients, carers, and family, including bereavement support. · Ensure Trinity community nursing service is represented in a professional and compassionate manner. · Work alongside Clinical Psychologist/ Linden Centre/Clergy to ensure psychological needs of patient and family are met. · Report/ Discuss any safeguarding concerns to adult safeguarding lead. MANAGEMENT OF DESIGNATED COHORT OF PATIENTS · Support the transfer of information via Team leader/ CNS manager at shift handover regarding patient’s progress. · Attend and actively participate in care planning meetings, case conferences and Complex MDT neighbourhood meetings. · Ensure all essential information is collated on EMIS for your designated cohort of patients. · Record a summary of care at agreed designated times. · Report any concerns back to nurse in charge. · Take responsibility for the organisation of care and support to patients and families, following the plan of care outlined by qualified lead nurse. · Accommodate a flexible work shift pattern covering a 24-hour rota. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES · To undertake all mandatory training as required by Trinity hospice and palliative care services. · Participate in appropriate in-service training as and when required. · Maintain the strict confidentiality of all information acquired especially regarding patients and staff. · To ensure all documentation is contemporaneous, clear, and accurate and plans of care are updated in accordance with the needs of the patient. · To undertake an appraisal and personal development review annually, and through self-development continuously update and improve knowledge and competencies. · To be a co-operative and supportive member of the Trinity staff team, ensuring that all members are aware of any issues in the post holders’ workload, which may affect other members of the Trinity team. · Act in accordance with Trinity hospice values and associated behaviours. · To support volunteers utilised in your area and to develop working relationships providing regular feedback on their performance. · To take responsibility for being up to date with current policies and procedures and to adhere to these. · Attend staff meetings · Promote best practice in relation to health and safety. · To always promote the Hospice philosophy and uphold Trinity’s core values. · Make use of available opportunities to extend clinical and professional knowledge. · Develop and maintain communication skills at a high level when speaking to patients, families, and other health care professionals. · Maintain personal development plan. This job description is not exhaustive and is subject to review in conjunction with the post holder and according to future changes/developments in the service.
Job tags
£22.42k - £22.97k per annum