

Your Career. Our Passion.

EYFS Leader (TLR2a)

We Manage Jobs(WMJobs)


Coventry | United Kingdom

Job description

At Joseph Cash Primary our vision is, to empower and inspire our pupils to believe in themselves: flourishing today and always

We are very excited to announce that we are recruiting to a new role

EYFS Lead.

We are looking for someone who is an excellent classroom practitioner and has experience of teaching across EYFS.

The successful applicant will be a member of our middle leadership team and work closely with the senior leadership team and EYFS strategic lead to further develop our successful EYFS provision.

The post is class based, with one day non-class based weekly for PPA/ TLR time.

Joseph Cash Primary is a forward-thinking school, we are passionate about working together to create the best opportunities, experience and memories for our pupils.

At Joseph Cash we strive to develop pupils who;

If you would like to visit and have a tour of the school or would like to find out more about the post, please contact the school Business Manager [email protected]

Interviews will be week beginning 11th March 2023.

Alternatively, please view our media pages

School Website

Twitter @cashprimary

Instagram josephcashprimary

Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre-employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, an onlinesearch may form part of this recruitment process.

Our school does not discriminate between candidates on the basis of age, disability, gender reassignmnet, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation. The School is mindful of the requirements relating to the recruitment of ex-offenders.

If a candidate’s application is considered to be fraudulent or contains false information, Joseph Cash will report the matter to the Secretary of State, via the DFES and also the Police as appropriate

Our School is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children,s welfare. This post is subject to all the relevant pre-employment checks set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education including an enhanced DBS certificate with a barred list check.

Our safeguarding policy :



Job tags

Side job1 day week


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