NHS Jobs
Plymouth, Devon | United Kingdom
Job description
Essential Desirable Education, qualifications & special training FRCOphth (or equivalent) Full GMC registration To be on the appropriate GMC Specialist Register or eligible for admission within six months of interview. Higher degree. Postgraduate prizes and awards. Other medical qualifications. Experience outside specialty. Particular skills and experience Demonstrate evidence of a sound ophthalmic training equivalent to that recognised in the UK. Attended appropriate basic specialty courses. Demonstrate evidence of having had a good subspecialty training. Evidence of ability to perform advanced subspecialty specific procedures. Ability to lead a team. Comprehensive knowledge of subspecialty subject. Understanding of NHS. Good time management. Demonstrate evidence of wide based specialty knowledge. Attended appropriate courses/meetings in the last 6 years covering the spectrum of the entire specialty. Fellowship experience. Attended subspecialty specific meeting or courses within the last 3 years. Research & Clinical Audit Presentations or publications in peer reviewed journals. Able to conduct clinical audit. Evidence of a research interest. Current research. Research in a specialty interest or trauma. Extensively published. Presentations at local/ regional/national/ international meetings. Demonstrate an enthusiasm to continue with research and clinical audit. Relevant audit projects Statistical Knowledge Teaching Ability to teach clinical and practical skills. Demonstrate experience in having taught junior doctors. Evidence of experience and ability in teaching. Supervision of projects. ATLS instructor. Training the trainers course or equivalent. Evidence of enthusiasm and experiencing teaching undergraduates, post-graduates and other health-care professionals. Communication & interpersonal skills Ability to work in a team. Ability to delegate appropriately. Prepared to put patients interests above all other Willingness to become part of existing ophthalmology team Demonstrate evidence of ability to communicate and co-operate well with patients and other health-care professionals Evidence of good communication skills. Information technology skills. Leadership skills. Good presentation skills. Management Willingness to participate in management process. Participated in some sort of Management process (service or research) Evidence of commitment Evidence of interest and ability in management. Management qualification
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