

Your Career. Our Passion.

Education Health Care Plan Coordinator



South East London | United Kingdom

Job description

Job Category : Education
Location : Lambeth Town Hall, London Borough of Lambeth, South East London
Hours Per Week : 35.00
Start Date : Immediate Start
Start Time : 09:00
End Time : 17:30
Salary: £20.06

Coordinate assessments and casework across the SEND Service, ensuring that casework is legally compliant whilst remaining child centred, pro-active and responsive to the needs of children and young people and paying due regard to the views of parents.
Coordinate and actively support a person centred, outcome focused multi agency approach to assessment, planning and support, ensuring that children, young people and parents are treated as equal partners in the assessment and planning process.
Guiding settings and parents to the right provision at SEN Support level. Directing them to the Local Offer to find more information on the services available.
Supporting settings and parents to provide the right information if an EHC needs assessment request is made.
Coordinating the 20-week process, liaising with settings, parents and other professionals.
Attending EHC plan review meetings, at critical points such as change in phase of education.
You will chair and attend annual reviews where there is a high risk of placement breakdown or a complex case within the targeted age groups. You can call upon support from Team Leaders/ Team Manager where required.
An EHCP Coordinator will ensure all communications and contacts with young people, parents, schools, settings and other agencies about SEN casework and general SEN issues are proactive, supportive, timely and constructive so that confidence in the service is maintained and improved.

Relevant Experience
Experience in this area of work gained by either education (degree or equivalent) or through a minimum of 3 years experience

Experience of working and liaising with parents, carers and other agencies in a multi-disciplinary setting

Experience of managing conflicting demands and priorities, working to tight timescales

Experience of producing reports for a variety of complex audiences

Experience of managing complaints and resolving disagreements.

Experience of chairing meetings

Job tags

Full timeContract workLocal areaImmediate start


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