

Your Career. Our Passion.

Relief Pharmacist / Fferyllydd Cyflenwol

NHS Jobs


Gwynedd, Wales | United Kingdom

Job description

Purpose: To provide a full range of dispensing and clinical services to our patients. To liaise and work closely with the superintendent pharmacist, pharmacist managers and directors of the company to fulfil the companys vision. To lead, manage and develop the pharmacy team to maximise sales and profitability of our pharmacies, by sound business performance, and establishing long term relationships with customers. To support the achievement of Fferyllwyr Llŷns business goals and objectives. To develop and maximise clinical services, dispensing and retail sales throughout the company. To develop and maintain ones personal skill set to align with the services being delivered by the company. Key Responsibilities: Provide a safe and efficient Pharmaceutical Service within the accepted legal and professional requirements using relevant policies and procedures and the GPhC code of ethics. Ensure full personal and staff compliance with company SOPs. To operate the collection of prescriptions and home delivery service, ensuring that an efficient service meeting the needs of the store, surgeries and patients is provided at all times. Ensure that all enhanced services are proactively offered to patients and customers and that opportunities for new services are highlighted to management so that appropriate action can be taken. Project a positive image of the company as its representative, both to company staff and external organisations. Ensure that all Health & Safety requirements are met, and that all necessary records are kept/maintained, and staff are aware of their own personal responsibilities for Health and Safety. To work with the branch pharmacist managers and superintendent pharmacist to ensure that each pharmacy worked at is operating efficiently and safely and that there is good communication at all times. Business performance: Promote and maintain good, long term customer relations. Develop and maintain relationships with all relevant Healthcare Professionals including GPs, practice and district nurses, care homes and action teams. To actively provide locally commissioned services, both private and NHS. Ensure maximum reimbursement through accurate dispensing, purchasing and endorsing procedures, including any specific instruction from branch manager or superintendent pharmacist Identify new opportunities to grow the business and seek branch manager or superintendent pharmacist approval before proceeding. Monitor and control operating expenses in order to maximize the profitability of any of the pharmacies worked at Ensure that the range and level of stock is maintained in all pharmacies to a level that meets the needs of the business. Maintain high retail and dispensary housekeeping standards. Ensure high standards of security practice within the pharmacy premises. Attend meetings or training events called by the directors or superintendent pharmacist. Monitor local competitor activity and respond accordingly, ensuring branch manager or managing director is kept informed. To work closely and liaise effectively and promptly with all the branch managers within the pharmacies you work in. This includes communicating any dispensing, staffing, logistical or any other issues that arise during your working day. Work with the branch manager and managing director to manage staff, maintaining effective employee relations according to company policies and employment laws and ensure relevant HR procedures are followed. Facilitate the training and development of all staff, including facilitating with the branch manager on implementing the appraisal process. To actively participate and offer a range of advanced NHS and private clinical services. Be willing to develop ones own clinical skills to align with the visions and objectives of the company in clinical service development. Be willing to act as a tutor and mentor for students, pre-registration technicians, pre-registration pharmacists and pharmacists in line with the visions identified by the superintendent pharmacist Undertake any additional duties associated with the conduct of the business when requested by the branch manager, directors or superintendent pharmacist Pwrpas y swydd: Cynnig amrywiaeth lawn o wasanaethau clinigol a dosbarthu in cleifion. Cysylltu a chydweithion agos âr Fferyllydd Arolygol, Rheolwyr y fferyllfeydd a Chyfarwyddwyr y cwmni i gyflawni gweledigaeth y cwmni. Arwain, rheoli a datblygu timaur fferyllfeydd er mwyn cynyddu gwerthiannau ac elw ir eithaf, drwy berfformiad busnes cadarn a drwy sefydlu perthnasoedd hirdymor ân cwsmeriaid. Helpu cyflawni nodau ac amcanion busnes Fferyllwyr Llŷn. Datblygu a hybu gwasanaethau clinigol a gwerthiannau fferyllol ac adwerthu ir eithaf drwyr cwmni cyfan. Datblygu a chynnal eich sgiliau personol i gyd-fynd âr gwasanaethau y maer cwmnin eu cynnig. Prif Gyfrifoldebau: Cynnig Gwasanaeth Fferyllol diogel ac effeithlon o fewn y gofynion cyfreithiol a phroffesiynol disgwyliedig, gan ddefnyddio polisïau a gweithdrefnau perthnasol a chod moeseg y Cyngor Fferyllol Cyffredinol (GPhC). Sicrhau eich bod chi ar staff yn cydymffurfion llawn â Gweithdrefnau Gweithredu Safonol (SOPs) y cwmni. Rhoir gwasanaeth casglu presgripsiynau au danfon i gartrefi ar waith, gan sicrhau y darperir gwasanaeth effeithlon syn bodloni anghenion y fferyllfa, y meddygfeydd ar cleifion bob amser. Sicrhau eich bod yn mynd ati i gynnig pob gwasanaeth ychwanegol ir cleifion ar cwsmeriaid, gan dynnu sylwr rheolwyr at gyfleoedd am wasanaethau newydd, er mwyn gallu cymryd camau priodol. Cynrychiolir cwmni gan gyfleu delwedd gadarnhaol i staff y cwmni ac i sefydliadau allanol. Sicrhau eich bod yn bodloni pob gofyniad Iechyd a Diogelwch a bod pob cofnod angenrheidiol yn cael eu cadw/eu cynnal, a bod aelodau staff yn ymwybodol ou cyfrifoldebau personol eu hunain am Iechyd a Diogelwch. Cydweithio â Rheolwyr y fferyllfeydd unigol ar Fferyllydd Arolygol i sicrhau bod pob fferyllfa y byddwch yn gweithio ynddi yn gweithredun effeithlon ac yn ddiogel, a bod yna lefel dda o gyfathrebu bob amser. Perfformiad Busnes: Hyrwyddo a chynnal cysylltiadau hirdymor da âr cwsmeriaid. Datblygu a chynnal perthnasoedd â phob Gweithiwr Gofal Iechyd Proffesiynol perthnasol, gan gynnwys Meddygon Teulu, nyrsys practis ac ardal, cartrefi gofal a thimau gweithredu. Mynd ati i gynnig gwasanaethau a gomisiynir yn lleol, yn wasanaethaur GIG a rhai preifat. Sicrhaur ad-daliad mwyaf posib drwy ddilyn gweithdrefnau dosbarthu, prynu ac ardystio manwl gywir, gan gynnwys unrhyw gyfarwyddiadau penodol gan Reolwr y gangen neur Fferyllydd Arolygol. Canfod cyfleoedd newydd i dyfur busnes a cheisio cymeradwyaeth Rheolwr y gangen neur Fferyllydd Arolygol cyn mynd ati iw datblygu. Monitro a rheoli costau gweithredu er mwyn hybu elw pob fferyllfa y byddwch yn gweithio ynddi ir eithaf. Sicrhau y cynhelir lefel ac amrywiaeth y stoc ym mhob fferyllfa er mwyn bodloni anghenion y busnes. Sicrhau arferion diogelwch o safon uchel o fewn adeilad y fferyllfa. Mynd i gyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau hyfforddi ar gais y Cyfarwyddwyr neur Fferyllydd Arolygol. Monitro gweithgarwch cystadleuwyr lleol ac ymateb yn unol â hynny, gan sicrhau eich bod yn hysbysu Rheolwr y gangen neur Rheolwr-gyfarwyddwr. Cydweithio a chysylltun effeithiol ac yn brydlon gyda Rheolwr pob cangen o fewn y fferyllfeydd y byddwch yn gweithio ynddyn nhw. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyfleu unrhyw broblemau dosbarthu, staffio, logisteg neu unrhyw broblemau eraill syn codi yn ystod eich diwrnod gwaith. Cydweithio â Rheolwr y gangen ar Fferyllydd Arolygol i reoli staff, gan gynnal perthnasoedd effeithiol âr gweithwyr yn unol â pholisïaur cwmni a chyfreithiau cyflogaeth, a sicrhau y dilynir gweithdrefnau AD perthnasol. Hwyluso hyfforddiant a datblygiad pob aelod staff, gan gynnwys trefnu i roir broses gymeradwyo ar waith gyda Rheolwr y gangen. Cynnal a chynnig amrywiaeth o wasanaethau clinigol ychwanegol y GIG a rhai preifat. Bod yn barod i ddatblygu eich sgiliau clinigol eich hun i gyd-fynd â gweledigaethau ac amcanion y cwmni o ran datblygu gwasanaethau clinigol. Bod yn fodlon gweithio fel tiwtor a mentor i fyfyrwyr, technegwyr cyn-gofrestru, fferyllwyr cyn-gofrestru a fferyllwyr, yn unol âr gweledigaethau a nodir gan y Fferyllydd Arolygol. Ymgymryd ag unrhyw ddyletswyddau ychwanegol syn gysylltiedig â gweithredur busnes ar gais Rheolwr y gangen, y Cyfarwyddwyr neur Fferyllydd Arolygol.

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