NHS Jobs
Coventry | United Kingdom
Job description
Provide expert clinical advice and expertise to the Trust and partner agencies on the Learning Disabilities and Autism Programme agenda. Lead Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews (C(E)TRs) on behalf of the Trust and ICB as responsible commissioner. This will include both community and inpatient reviews. Provide clinical challenge to ensure that individuals are placed in the least restrictive environment to meet assessed Review, in detail, individual cases within the programme to ensure that plans are clinically appropriate to meet the assessed need of the individual through the provision of high quality, value for money packages of Ensure that Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards principles are applied to all Undertaking robust capacity assessments inline the Mental Capacity Act guidelines. Support the maintenance of accurate information about individual Participate in root cause analysis investigations for admissions/readmissions as required. Provide clinical commissioning assessment, gathering of evidence and formulation of care pathway for a range of highly complex individuals in a variety of Use expert clinical knowledge to review specialist placements or packages of care commissioned for individuals with highly complex mental health or learning disability needs, in particular S117 aftercare entitlement, completing appropriate documentation and following Trust/ ICB Planning of repatriation or onward pathway plans for those assessed when appropriate. Monitor appropriateness of current placements to meet commissioning and individual needs, including care, quality, and financial Escalate concerns identified within agreed processes Utilisation, inputting, and review of information onto the Assuring Transformation (AT) database for all individuals. Ensure that all care packages and placement proposals are clinically appropriate, have all agreed documentation in place and make best use of agreed Act as a source of expert advice on providers with the relevant capabilities and competencies to deliver the agreed care requirements. Supporting the admission avoidance pathway as needed including use and knowledge of the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and Clinical Support Tool (CST) Ensure that responsible commissioner or ordinary residence is established for each individual case in line with national frameworks/guidance, leading on the resolution of disputes in such cases where necessary. Review entitlement for S117 aftercare, making recommendations for Responsible Clinician review, following agreed processes, when potential for change is identified. Provide information for client specific panels and ratification processes (both Trust/ICB and multi-agency) to ensure consistency of approach and decision making. Provide information to support clinical aspects of enquiries and complaints received by the Trust/ICB. Complete agreed schedule of reviews to ensure delivery of identified QIPP programmes, participating in monitoring meetings and ensuring information reflects an accurate position. Ensure that Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards principles are applied to all cases. Act always in a manner which illustrates respect for privacy, dignity and confidentiality Convey information that is of a sensitive nature e.g., vulnerable adults; complex health information; communicate effectively with people under emotional strain in highly charged situations. Acting as a point of contact for family members/ carers of the individuals we support including advocates, appointees, and legal representative
Job tags
£43.74k - £50.06k per annum