

Your Career. Our Passion.

Staff Nurse

NHS Jobs


Plymouth, Devon | United Kingdom

Job description

To deliver a high standard of individualised care, which will include the assessment, planning, implementation, review and evaluation of the Personalised Care Framework. This should be in partnership with the service user, carers and multi-agency professionals as appropriate. This requires a complex level of communication in the receiving and transmitting of information to service users, carers, colleagues, the wider service and the general public on an individual or group basis. This will be over a wide range of complex and sensitive issues and will need to take into account barriers to understanding. To act as Keyworker for an identified group of clients using the Personalized Care Framework process and keep all associated paperwork up to date in a timely manner. To ensure comprehensive risk assessment, history, planning and management is recorded and communicated to the team and the wider service if appropriate, for individual service users. To contribute to and be an effective member of the multi-disciplinary team. This will include leading handovers and MDT meetings. Involvement in the assessment of new referrals and to attend and contribute to reviews, clinical meetings and case conferences. It is the role of the nurse to convene necessary meetings, invite the relevant stakeholders, communicate and record, action and communicate outcomes. The post holder will act as a role model to service users and staff. There is an expectation that they will promote a recovery ethos to encourage service users in all aspects of activities of daily living. This will include providing verbal prompting and when required additional support to ensure that all their basic physical health and personal care needs are met to a high standard. These interventions are also seen as opportunities for assessment/monitoring and/or learning opportunities. The post holder will contribute toward the recovery process and the care pathway by utilising their skills and knowledge in a multi-disciplinary way to provide holistic care. This will be achieved through one-to-one work, group activities, networking and co-facilitation of psychotherapeutic groups. Contributing to the therapeutic programme within the unit and the creation of individual programmes for service users is a key responsibility. To work in partnership with carers of clients using Triangle of Care initiatives, offering support, advice and reassurance on often quite sensitive and emotional issues and at times of high levels of distress. Maintain and regularly update knowledge of The Mental Health Act 1983, and be aware of own responsibilities and clients rights under the Act. To work at all times within the Code of Practice and Livewell Southwest policies To be responsible and accountable for the safe storage and administration of medication as per national and Livewell Southwest policies and procedures. To educate clients and carers regarding the potential benefits and side effects of medication and feedback information to the medical staff/community pharmacist. The post holder is required to comply with all infection control policies which includes adherence to bare below the elbows. Leadership To take responsibility for the Nurse in Charge role of the unit in the absence of more senior staff, including the planning and organisation of the daily clinical activity, covering adjustment of staff rotas during the out of hour period and recording as necessary, flexible changes to routines in response to individual service users need and changing staff levels and to maintain the safety of staff and clients. To contribute to staff development and demonstrate work activities to new or inexperienced staff e.g. contribute to induction of new staff when joining a team/temporary staff who are working shifts. Provide advice for staff and direct to appropriate resources which facilitate evidence-based nursing practice. To be aware of and appropriately implement the policies and procedures relevant to Livewell southwest and keep up to date with their contents. To be responsible in attitude towards economy of resources and care of equipment and property including the day-to-day financial management of petty cash; safe storage and recording of patient monies; stock control of all supplies i.e. stationary, medicines, food office supplies etc and the health and safety of the environment. To be responsible for the safe use of unit vehicles and the accurate recording of mileage. To be responsible for carrying out risk assessments and planning to reduce risk when transporting patients. To undertake appraisal and line management supervision of junior staff as allocated or as part of ongoing personal development. Professional Development and Education The post holder will undertake a comprehensive induction, mandatory and other essential training as directed by the Livewell Southwest and Unit/Deputy manager. This will include Physical Intervention Training which is essential for this post. Competencies will be identified through personal development needs and appraisal. The post holder will be responsible for their own practice, managerial development and to keep up to date with evidence-based developments in mental health nursing. This will include post registration education and preparation of portfolios for revalidation. The post holders profession will be maintained and support for opportunities and the ways that their skills and knowledge can be used to meet requirements for revalidation will be central to the line management and appraisal process. The post holder will be required to ensure they receive line management support and participate in clinical supervision and reflective practice. Clinical Governance To understand responsibilities under clinical governance to comply with Essential Standards of Quality and Safety as regulated by the Care Quality Commission. To contribute to any audit process within the Livewell Southwest as appropriate. Corporate Responsibilities The post holder will behave in a manner that does not bring the service and Livewell Southwest into disrepute. You are reminded that in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 you have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to yourself and to others affected by your work activities. You will be notified where your post carries a requirement for immunisation. Infection Control Livewell Southwest is determined to eradicate healthcare-acquired infection and puts a great deal of emphasis on the responsibility of all staff to ensure their own personal and others compliance with Infection Control (including Hand Washing) Policies. All staff must comply with infection control policies and guidance, attend relevant updates and report issues of concern to their immediate line manager (if no action or explanation received, then it is the individuals responsibility to escalate their concerns to the Director of Operations or Chief Executives Office). Safeguarding Children All employees have a duty for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and are required to act in such a way that at all times safeguards the health and well-being of children. Familiarisation with and adherence to national and local Safeguarding policies is an essential requirement of all employees as is participation in related mandatory/statutory training. Research For clinical posts at bands 5 and 6, there is an expectation that engagement in research will be part of this role. Therefore, an awareness of the value and relevance of research is expected, and the post holder should either support existing research within their speciality area as appropriate or identify opportunities to raise awareness of research possibilities. Sustainability and climate change All staff are expected to take responsibility for the reduction of carbon emissions within their area of the organisation. In particular this may relate to reducing energy consumption, making low carbon travel choices, consideration of goods and services being purchased, and waste reduction. Other This Job Description is not exhaustive and may change as the post develops, but such change will not take place without consultation between the post holder and his/her manager. Job descriptions should be reviewed at least annually at the appraisal meeting. The Working Time Regulations apply to all employees of Livewell Southwest. In particular Livewell Southwest will not permit staff in all employments to work in excess of 48 hours in any one week except where there are exceptional service needs where an absolute limit of averaging over a reference period of 17 weeks would apply. Livewell Southwest has adopted NO SMOKING and NO ALCOHOL policies for staff, which applies to all posts. Details of the policy are available on request and will be included in the statement of main terms and conditions of service of staff appointed

Job tags

Full timeTemporary workWork at officeLocal areaImmediate startFlexible hoursShift workRotating shift


£28.41k - £34.58k per annum

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