Qualified Level 3 - Support Worker
Sky's the limit training and recruitment Ltd
Rugeley, Staffordshire | United Kingdom
Job description
To provide a caring home environment in which the needs of young people in our care can be catered for, whilst encouraging independent living and choice whenever possible.
Recognising that all of our children and young people in our care are competent individuals.
The first duty of our employees is to fulfil their employment contracts. To enable this, the Company has a duty to ensure that its employees receive fair and appropriate treatment.
It is recognised by the Company that working within children’s residential care can be a difficult and personally demanding task. It is important that this reality is acknowledged so as to develop practices which assist staff in managing the issues this raises.
Members of staff are the Company’s main resource and when staff feel respected, valued and empowered, they will flourish and provide a more caring and committed service. Employees need training, opportunities for advancement, support and clarity of role. The following practices aim to build on the work already in progress through supervision, employment law and Company policy.
Each and every employee, at all levels, has a personal responsibility of care for other employees and for recognising their own needs.
You will be assisting with providing a needs-led service keeping in line with Home’s Statement of Purpose.
To Encourage and support a lifestyle which facilitates spiritual, physical, psychological, cultural and social needs of the young person.
Assist with the development implementation, review and evaluation of young people’s planned activities in accordance with their individual Life Plan (care plan).
Be responsible for and assisting Young People with all aspects of all life skills independence skills and general home life skills such as cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing
Ensure that where you are the designated key worker for a young person you adhere to the company’s key worker’s procedure.
Reporting any service needs relating to the service users or the Home environment to the Home’s Manager without delay.
Ensuring that the home’s documentation is completed, accurate and kept up to date in accordance with policy and procedure. Ensure that all documentation is completed before leaving your shift and sign to say you have done so.
Providing cover in the home as the needs arise.
Ensuring all policies and procedures allocated to the home are followed and that you read and sign has having read
Ensure that all matters, whether alleged or substantiated, that are of a child protection or safeguarding nature are reported to your line manager immediately.
Ensure that you complete a shift handover to the oncoming shift and that you have signed as having done so if you have been allocated as the member of staff to complete this.
Ensure that you are clear about the company’s policy regarding contact with young people outside the work place.
Ensure that where a young person raises a complaint, whether verbal or written, that they are acted on promptly.
Ensure that you are proactive in responding to a missing young person from the home in line with the company’s missing person’s procedure and the individual Young Person’s Risk Assessment.
Carrying out duties in accordance with the company's Equal Opportunities Policy
Carrying out duties in compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent Health and Safety legislation
You will be expected to carry out daily and regular cleaning to the home, which will also involve emptying of the rubbish regularly
As a term of your employment you can be required to undertake such other duties as commensurate with your job title, and/or hours of work, as may reasonably be required of you.
You will be required to work shifts on a staffing rota including weekend, sleep-in and night duty as required and ensure that shortfalls are fulfilled on a flexible basis.
Job tags
£11 per hour