NHS Jobs
Southport, Merseyside | United Kingdom
Job description
1. To support the Ward Manager in providing clinical advice, expertise and leadership to allWard Staff.2. To take a key role in ensuring Service Users care plans are developed to meet the assessedneeds of the individual under the guidelines of ECC. To monitor the care plans developed forService Users, where necessary to supervise and train others to carry out and deliver plannedcare.3. To ensure a seamless approach by liasing with other professionals as required.4. To liase appropriately with family members, carers and significant others with regards to theassessment of Service Users. To refer to the Modern Matron as necessary. To support theWard Manager in addressing and resolving concerns by Service Users and Carers sensitivelyand promptly.5. To assist the Ward Manager monitor and work with the ward team to ensure that ServiceUser risk is assessed and managed appropriately, and that risk management plans are of ahigh standard.6. To direct and supervise ward staff, in order to ensure delivery of a high standard of care toService Users.7. To assist the Ward Manager in identified clinical audit projects and setting standards for carebased on sound research findings. Ensure that the ward team maintains standards. Assistthe Modern Matron in the implementation of change arising from new findings.8. To co-ordinate the systematic monitoring and evaluation of Service Users and wardenvironment.9. To use verbal and non-verbal communication skills gained through training and experience toimpart sensitive information e.g. diagnosis or symptoms to Service Users and their families.To offer support to other staff to do this.10. To support the Ward Manager in ensuring that the ward resources are managed appropriatelyto maximise care and efficient work patterns. This will include tasks such as producing rotas,management of sickness and absence, annual leave and extra resources, keeping theModern Matron informed at all times.11. To use skills gained through experience to communicate with members of your team in theimplementation of change and in the interest of good, cohesive team working.12. To check understanding of information where there are often barriers to effectivecommunications due to distress of psychiatric symptoms in Service Users, or where there isresistance in staff. This may include situations where English is not the first language.13. To use skills gained through experience to give and receive information (adhering to Caldicottguidelines) to other individuals with regards to a Service Users care in reviews and multidisciplinary meetings. These individuals may be external to the Trust.14. To have an in-depth knowledge of the Mental Health Act 1983. To support staff involved inthe application of the Mental Health Act 1983, ensuring that they are aware of and fulfillingtheir duties. Ensure that Service Users are aware of their rights under the Mental Health Act1983 and that they are exercised appropriately.Page 3 of 815. To liase with other professionals offering a service within the ward to ensure a high quality ofservice delivery.16. To provide and monitor a range of therapeutic activities for Service Users by appropriateguidance and supervision of the ward team.17. To ensure that all relevant information with regards to a Service Users care and treatment isdocumented accurately and legibly into the health record. Supervise and monitor the entriesmade by junior team members, through performance management and audit.18. To lead the provision of teaching sessions in order to pass on knowledge and skills.19. To assist the Ward Manager in the implementation of change or new systems within the area.20. To use skills gained through experience to assess and monitor the physical/mental health ofService Users, seeking an opinion from other professionals, where appropriate.21. To use skills gained through training and experience to de-escalate situations where ServiceUsers become physically or verbally aggressive.22. To use skills gained through experience to deal with team members who become angry,hostile or distressed.23. To ensure that team members get appropriate support following violent incidents and liasewith the Ward Manager to ensure any identified actions arising from such incidents areimplemented24. To ensure that all incidents or near misses are documented as per Trust policy and that anyfollow-up action is taken.25. To lead Service User reviews ensuring that the team has all the relevant information on whichto base their clinical decisions.26. To co-ordinate the team in order to ensure that medical or psychiatric emergencies are actedon promptly and appropriately.27. To provide nursing reports both in written and verbal formats, as requested e.g. for a ServiceUser Mental Health Act appeal.28. To support and assist the ward team develop care plans that enable Service Users to reachand maintain their optimum level of health and independence.29. To ensure the safe administration of medication to Service Users, ensuring that the Nursingand Midwifery Council regulations are followed.Page 4 of 830. To take part in the implementation of the Trusts PDP process for all staff in the ward team.31. To act as a mentor to junior staff and students.32. To support the Ward Manager to provide reports and statistical returns to a variety of Trustdepartments and approved external audit agencies as requested.33. To assist the Ward Manager tackle any unsatisfactory performance promptly andconstructively.34. To participate in the investigation process regarding the disciplinary procedure and ServiceUser/Care complaints.
Job tags
£35.39k - £42.62k per annum