Warwickshire | United Kingdom
Job description
At ICON, it’s our people that set us apart. Our diverse teams enable us to become a better partner to our customers and help us to fulfil our mission to advance and improve patients’ lives.
Our ‘Own It’ culture is driven by four key values that bring us together as individuals and set us apart as an organisation: Accountability & Delivery, Collaboration, Partnership and Integrity. We want to be the Clinical Research Organisation that delivers excellence to our clients and to patients at every touch-point. In short, to be the partner of choice in drug development. That’s our vision. We’re driven by it. And we need talented people who share it.Patient Recruitment Assistant (6 month contract)
Location: Coventry, UK
At Accellacare - an ICON Company, it’s our people that set us apart.
As a global provider of drug development solutions, our work is serious business but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun whilst we do it.
With our vision to be the partner of choice in drug development, we hire only the best and brightest in the industry!
Are you one of them?
At ICON, we have an incredible opportunity for an patient recruitment Assistant to join the team in our Coventry office in Middlemarch Business Park.
The Role
The pu r po se o f t h e ro le is t o str eng then t h e bu si n e s s g r o w t h a n d r ev en u e o f ICON b y r e cr u iti n g p at i ents on to ou r cu r rent s tu d ies. A cting as the m ain po i n t o f c on ta c t fo r the r ecrui tm e n t o f pa tients thro ug h t el e - scre en i n g i nt o the v ar iou s stu d ies a n d t o a dm i n ister, m ai n tain a n d co-o r d i n ate th e l og ist i cal as p e c ts o f re rele v a n t cli n ical trial.
P atient R e cr u i tm en t/ T el e s cre en i n g – aski n g th e cal l er a ser i es o f pr e -i d entif i ed qu es t i on s and accu r at el y r e c o r d i n g th eir a n sw e rs to ass e ss th eir sui t a b ility t o ta ke pa r t in a cli n ical s tudy .
M ai nt ai n i n g Pa tient a ppo i n t m e n t d ia r y en su r i n g th at en tries are accu ra te a n d up to da t e.
P r ov i d e cus tom er ca r e b y w o rki n g c oop er a ti v ely and bu ild p o siti v e, con stru c ti v e p atient relati on sh ip s
C ommun ic a te effe c ti v ely w ith inter n al a n d e x t ern a l c u st om ers.
Str iv e to m e e t per son al a n d t e a m t ar g e t s.
W o rk in stri c t con fi d entia l i t y in all form s incl ud i n g e l ec tr on ic a l ly , w r i t t en f or m a n d v erb a l.
A cc oun table f o r deli v eri n g h i g h q u al i t y , ac cu ra t e w or k, en su r i n g all a dm i n istrat io n is fi l ed acc o r d i ng l y .
Sel f - mo ti v at e d, o r g a n ise o wn wo rk lo ad t o en su r e ef f ec t i v e d el iv e r y o f d e l egat e d ta sks a n d pro j e cts
B u si n ess cu rio sity t hat encomp a s ses ICON v al ues .
P r oa ct iv ely k e ep up t o da t e w ith c u r r ent stu di es, i d en t ifyi n g any t r ai n i n g ne ed s.
This role involves shift and weekend work.
What you need
Excellent communication skills along with strong influencing skills
Excellent interpersonal skills and telephone manner
Pro-active, flexible and able to multi-task
Good organisational skills with attention to detail
Able to work under pressure and to deadlines
IT literate
A basic understanding of medical terminology would be helpful but not essential.
Why join us?
Other than working with an outstanding team of ambitious people, we also offer a very competitive benefits package. This varies from country to country so a dedicated recruiter will discuss this with you at interview stage.
We care about our people as they are the key to our success. We provide an open and friendly work environment where we empower people and provide them with opportunities to develop their long term career.
Ongoing development is vital to us, and as a Patient Recruitment Assistant, you will have the opportunity to progress your career, with the potential to move into other related areas to improve your skillset. Our benefits package is competitive, our scope is international and we sincerely care about our people and their success.
Benefits of Working in ICON:
Our success depends on the quality of our people. That’s why we’ve made it a priority to build a culture that rewards high performance and nurtures talent.
ICON is an equal opportunity employer and committed to providing a workplace free of any discrimination or harassment.
EOE race/colour/religion/sex/sexual orientation/gender identity/disability/vet/national origin
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