Lewes, East Sussex | United Kingdom
Job description
Activity Managers are responsible for all aspects of the activity programme including planning the weekly activity schedule, managing Activity Leaders and Teachers (when involved in activities) and supporting the Centre Manager in all aspects of summer school management.
Specific Duties
Manage all aspects of the activity programme, including onsite activities and excursions
Manage and support activity and teaching staff working on the activity programme, making best use of their skills. Ensure that they understand their role and have the information necessary to carry out their assigned tasks in good time
Carry out risk assessments for all activities and excursions. Identify any risks relating to the activity/age group, plan to reduce the risk and provide staff briefings as necessary. Completed risk assessments should be filed for future inspection
Ensure the quality of the activities delivered is high, in line with company standards and customer expectations. Monitor the standard of activities by regularly observing and taking part in activities
Ensure that Group Leaders are involved in the activity programme throughout their stay, both in terms of communication and active participation in supervising their students during the activities. Meet daily with Group Leaders to discuss/inform them of the daily/weekly schedule and deal with any questions/requests that they may have
Where customers ask for Optional Excursions (extra to the scheduled programme), liaise with Head Office Activities and Excursions Manager to check possibilities and potential costs to the customers. Optional excursion costs must be paid in at the centre before the excursion transport/entrances are confirmed
Provide regular staff development for Activity Leaders and Teachers including formal observations/feedback
Confirm coach requirements and venue bookings with suppliers well in advance of each excursion. Keep accurate records of services used and submit them to HO on a weekly basis or as required
Liaise with the transfer department at Head Office concerning coach requirements for student arrivals and departures as required.
Ensure appropriate standards of staff and student discipline are maintained
Hold daily briefings and formal weekly meetings with staff to discuss current activities, feedback from customers, and to gain feedback from the staff. Record minutes of all formal meetings
Help create the weekly staff rota, ensuring that the activities are sufficiently well staffed for smooth and safe running
Carry out attendance checks for activities, keeping copies for later reference by HO
General Duties
Represent the company professionally at a local level, implementing company policies/instructions and effectively/accurately communicating them to staff, customers and the venue as necessary
Assist and stand in for the Centre Manager when required
Ensure the quality and high standards required by Churchill House are maintained at all times
Regularly update the HO Activities and Excursions Manager on the progress of the activities programme, providing accurate information
Ensure that company policies are implemented throughout the course
Hours of Work
Activity Managers receive one day off per week on average. The nature of the job requires managers to be flexible and willing to address situations whenever they arise. Hours can be unsocial and may include early/late starts and split shifts. Activity Managers must remain on call in their accommodation buildings at nighttime after night duty.
Requirements / Benefits:
You are free at the end of June and July and August
You are able to work in the UK
You have experience working with teens in an activity setting.
You are over the Age of 18.
You have proven management experience
Free accommodation and meals for the duration of your contract
Spend your summer seeing some of England's best attractions.
It is a prerequisite of employment that all management staff attend the management training sessions in Ramsgate (Dates TBC). This training session includes their statutory induction. Accommodation will be provided. In addition, all management staff will receive a job-specific management manual, detailing their role and company procedures. Full details of the training sessions will be sent at a later date. All managers are required to read and understand their manual fully and implement the procedures contained within. One way travel direct travel will be provided between Ramsgate and the initial designated centre.
Pay Rate:
AM1=£700= Not worked for CH before but with related experience AM2=£750= Not worked for CH before but with closely related managerial experience especially with summer centres/ Worked for CH before at smaller centre AM3=£800= Worked with Churchill House previously at larger centre +12.07% holiday pay. Salary is paid weekly in arrears and the final salary payment includes accrued holiday pay. We also pay a completion bonus at the end of the contract. This is only paid to employees who complete their full contract.Returner Bonus: Managers who worked for Churchill House previously will receive a £100 Returner Bonus, paid with their first payroll
How to Apply
To apply for this position, please click "apply now" and send a CV and cover letter. Please also include your passport, and qualifications you may have (First Aid at work, Coaching certs, lifeguarding etc...).
Job tags
£700 - £800 per week