

Your Career. Our Passion.


Dorchester Almshouses


Dorchester, Dorset | United Kingdom

Job description

Dorchester almshouse charity providing 26 flats for our residents. Our Trustees plan to increase the number of flats and are keen to recruit new trustees, particularly with financial and/or legal experience.

What will you be doing?

Our almshouse charity currently has 9 trustees plus the local Mayor on the Board, all of whom are local people with local knowledge and some of whom are also local councillors.

Various specific skills are represented including housing, risk management, construction management and working with older people.

The Board's plans to develop one of our sites means recruiting additional trustees, particularly those with a financial and/or legal background and experience would be beneficial at this time. 

We have a separate opportunity advertised on Reach Volunteering for the Treasurer role.

What are we looking for?

  1. Contacts and links with the wider community
  2. An understanding of the needs of older people
  3. Suitable to act as a trustee according to the Charity Commission guidance on trustees and disqualification
  4. Experience of committee work is helpful but not essential

What difference will you make?

As a valued member of our charitable incorporated organisation (CIO), you bring your specific skills to increase the breadth of knowledge and experience of our Board of Trustees and assist the charity to achieve its object, to provide social housing in the form of almshouse accommodation for local people in financial hardship.  This is an exciting time in our 400 year history with the planned redevelopment brings new challenges to our Board.  Financial and/or legal skills are particularly welcome.  Please see the attached role description.

Before you apply

Please contact us if you have any questions.

You may apply through Reach, please detail why you are interested in the role and your relevant experience..

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to come and meet us.


Organisation type: 


The object of Dorchester Almshouses is the relief of financial hardship by the provision of social housing in the form of almshouse accommodation and ancillary equipment, services and financial...

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ReliefLocal area


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