

Your Career. Our Passion.

Junior Coach

JobStart Scheme


Belfast | United Kingdom

Job description

Job description

Coach boxing classes..


Skills and Qualifications

Essential Skills

Desirable Skills

Further Information

The Employer is: TRIBE BOXING LTD Although this is a part-time temporary opportunity, hours may be extended and it could lead to a permanent position. The job advert may end before the closing date if requested by the employer.

Application Information

JOBSTART IS OPEN TO 16-24 YEAR OLDS. If you are on UC contact your Work Coach via your Journal. If you are in receipt of JSA, IS or ESA phone a Work Coach on 0300 200 7807. If you are 16-24 years old, unemployed, not in education or training and not in receipt of benefits phone 028 90726788.

Job tags

Permanent employmentTemporary workPart time


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