

Your Career. Our Passion.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

With Kids


Scotland | United Kingdom

Job description

This is an exciting opportunity to become Chief Executive Officer at The Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre, Perth &Kinross. We are looking for a dedicated and skilled CEO to lead RASAC P&K's skilled and dynamic team,and work collaboratively with our Board of Directors to deliver the organisation’s strategic plan andobjectives.

The role requires an experienced and effective leader, with the ability to lead across both the strategic andoperational work of the organisation. You will have a clear understanding of and commitment to trauma-informed,feminist management and leadership.

You will be an experienced manager with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and have a track record instrategic planning, people management, fundraising and charity finance management, and successful multi-agencypartnership work.

This role will be based in Perth city centre and offers a hybrid working pattern with one day per week to be workedfrom home in line with the organisation’s needs. Further information about this can be discussed with applicantswho are shortlisted for interview.

RASAC P&K welcome applications from black and minority ethnic women, LGBT women and women with disabilities.

Only women need apply under Schedule 9, Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010.

Successful applicants will be subject to successful PVG membership.

Closing date for applications: 9am, Friday 22nd March 2024


Charity registered in Scotland SC037982

Established since 2007, RASAC P&K are committed to challenging gender-based violence and recognise that sexualviolence is both a cause and consequence of gender inequality in our society. We offer free and confidentialsupport, information, and advocacy to anyone who identifies as a woman and all young people aged 12-18 years,who has experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives. We offer support regardless of race, ethnicity,sexual orientation, transgender identity, age, disability, and religious and cultural background. RASAC P&KPrevention Services work with young people across Perth & Kinross delivering sexual violence preventionworkshops in schools and community settings, as well as delivering a range of community engagement anddevelopment opportunities within the wider community.

We are looking to appoint a new CEO who can take this unique organisation to the next level.

Saheliya is a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for women and girls (12+) living withand/or surviving from experiences of racial inequality compounded by gender-based abuse, living in Scotland. Wepromote mental well-being by combating the effects of discrimination and abuse, reducing the stigma of mentalhealth, improving access to mainstream services and dismantling the structural inequality that exists forminority ethnic women.

This is an exceptional opportunity to have a lead role in a unique and innovative organisation helping to change thelives of some of Scotland’s most marginalised and at risk women and children and gendered abuse, reducing thestigma of mental illness, and improving access to mainstream services while enabling women to also move on intoopportunities for self-development and employment.

Saheliya’s services and partnership work extends through healthcare, housing, education, employment, immigration andaccess to justice- delivered across Edinburgh, the Lothians, and Greater Glasgow, as well as widerScotland.

Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis (GCRC) exists to promote the welfare, and relieve the distress, of women and girls whohave experienced rape or any form of sexual abuse or exploitation during their lives. They operate with acommitment to promoting and responding to survivors needs through an empowerment model of work, reducing theimpact of sexual violence by supporting, educating, informing, and advocating for survivors.

GCRC take a proactive stance against the oppression of women and girls, challenging systemic issues and societalattitudes toward sexual violence. Their approach both aims to educate and empower, with the goal of transformingperspectives and fostering a society that rejects all types of violence against women and girls.

They provide a comprehensive array of services aimed at addressing the diverse needs of survivors. These servicesinclude Triage and Support, Justice and Community Support, Training, Education and Prevention. GCRC providessupport to approximately 3000 women across Glasgow and Clyde per year. Each service offered by GCRC has beenstrategically developed to empower survivors and ensure they can access support in a safe and preferredway.

To support them in achieving their ambitions, GCRC are actively seeking dedicated and passionate women to join themas their new Deputy Director. As the Deputy Director, you’ll be part of a team of inspiring women that areresponsible for the overall strategic direction of the organisation, overseeing the overall day-to-dayoperations, and ensuring compliance of the process and policies of the organisation. GCRC, like many women'sorganisations, has transitioned from a collective working model to a feminist governance model.

As the Deputy Director, you will be a dedicated and compassionate individual who will play a pivotal role in shapingthe centre’s impactful initiatives. Your commitment to empowering survivors and fostering a community ofunderstanding will be truly inspiring. You will work tirelessly to ensure that the centre remains a safe haven,offering not just healing but also advocacy and education. Through tour leadership skills, GCRC will become asymbol of strength. Breaking the silence surrounding sexual violence and paving the way for a future wheresurvivors can reclaim their lives with resilience and courage.

This is a fantastic opportunity for women from all walks of life, the Deputy Director will articulate the feministvalues of GCRC and their fundamental belief that violence against women and girls has at its root, the unjustimbalance of power between men and women, and that this reflects deep rooted and structural inequality in oursociety. If you have demonstratable experience in over seeing day-to-day operational delivery, and have assumedresponsibility for the development, implementation, and monitoring of annual business plans, risk registers,budgets, and compliance with operational processes and policies then we would love to hear from you.

Please note, applications are open to women only, covered by the occupational requirement exemption (Schedule 9, Part1) of the Equality Act 2010.

The Women’s Centre Glasgow provides a safe, confidential and welcoming space to women living primarily in the NW ofGlasgow. It has a long history of supporting women and will celebrate it’s 30th anniversary this year.

We provide support services including: a drop-in café, counselling, holistic services (reiki & yoga), a range ofcreative activities, promote health & wellbeing and educational activities. We believe in the power ofcommunity, working together and are committed to fighting discrimination.

The Manager’s role is crucial, leading the team of staff and volunteers to implement our mission of empowering womenand ensuring the sustainability of the Centre for the future. The role offers an exciting opportunity to buildon the previous work of the Centre and develop new and innovative ways to meet the needs of local women.

Fife Women’s Aid are delighted to be launching a new service for women experiencing domestic abuse and are looking torecruit a full-time support worker to develop this service.

The role will involve providing ongoing flexible support to women in their own accommodation, with a focus on harmreduction and tenancy sustainment within the community. The service will work in accordance with the HousingFirst principles and will enhance our existing service provision for women who have experienced domesticabuse.

Applicants should have good communication skills and a passion for supporting recovery from domestic abuse.

The successful applicant will have at least SVQ Level III or equivalent level of qualification in health and socialcare or other relevant subject, or a willingness to work towards a qualification.

The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate a high degree of motivation and have the ability to work ontheir own as well as part of a team.

Please join us for an online session to find out more about FWA women’s services. This will be at 6.30pm on Monday4th March. Please confirm your attendance to [email protected] and we will send you details of the zoommeeting. We hope to see you there.

Fife Women’s Aid is a feminist organisation and strives to be a supportive and empowering employer offeringcompetitive terms and conditions.

Membership of Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme is a requirement for this post.


Job tags

Full timeSelf employmentLocal areaCity centreHybrid workFlexible hours1 day week


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