Inspirational Class Teacher Wanted - Ealing - Inner London
Ealing, Greater London | United Kingdom
Job description
Inspirational Class Teachers Wanted – Ealing - Inner London
The working environment
- Exceptional teachers with exceptional support – “There is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if we were to carry out a graded (section 5) inspection now.” Ofsted Feb 2023
- The school building is quite simply spectacular, it is a £18 million Conran designed, state of the art, award-winning school– it must be seen to be appreciated. Our staff enjoy working in an exceptional environment and thrive from remarkable professional development and support. You must see St John’s for yourself.
- Outstanding transport links – the most well connected part of London with Crossrail on the doorstep
Work in Ealing –a vibrant, trendy area
Our children and parents
- We have stunning well-mannered and well behaved children. Behaviour is exemplary across the school
- Supportive and respectful parents
The team
- A forward thinking, dynamic, committed, friendly and supportive team
- An opportunity to be a part of something extraordinary – providing a world class education
Career opportunities
- Career opportunities and exceptional CPD
- TLR responsibility posts available
Staff workload and well being
- Extra teacher release time in addition to PPA
- Skilled teaching assistants
- Inner London salary - Portability honoured
- An enriched curriculum with specialist teachers (Spanish, Music, P.E)
- A fully equipped staff gym amongst other stunning facilities.
Specialist support and expertise
- An Assisted Resource Provision on site
- We have a range of Speech and Language and Occupational therapists on site full time
- We have a range of Place2Be and music therapists on site
Candidates are actively encouraged to visit the school by prior arrangement at one of the following times:
· Thursday 7th March 4.00pm
· Tuesday 12th March 8.45am or 4.00pm
· Thursday 14th March – 8.45am or 4.00pm
· Tuesday 19th March 8.45am or 4.00pm
To arrange a visit please contact the school office on 0208 567 6251 or [email protected]
To download an application pack and apply, please visit our website:
St John’s is committed to safeguarding children and the successful applicant will be required to apply for a Disclosure and Barring Certificate from the DBS. The school reserves the right to research shortlisted candidates on social media platforms and the internet, and the recruitment panel may take this information into consideration during the recruitment process.
Closing Date: Monday 25th March 2024 (12.00pm) only those candidates successfully short-listed will be contacted and invited for interviews.
Interviews will take place on: Wednesday 27th March 2024 and Thursday 28th March 2024
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