NHS Jobs
Warwick, Warwickshire | United Kingdom
Job description
Ensure that the wards philosophy is in line with the principles of clinical governance and that all staff understand its significance to practice. Always be aware of and follow Trust policies and procedures. To participate in the setting and maintaining of high standards of evidence based nursing. To assess, supervise and evaluate work of nursing staff and learners within the ward environment. Promote patient and carers involvement in care planning, delivery and evaluation, ensuring all new starters and learners develop the necessary skills to do this appropriate to the individuals role. Communicate appropriately keeping patients and their relatives/families informed of treatment and progress. Communicate and interact with patients, carers and staff in a non-judgmental way, demonstrating mutual respect and trust utilising a variety of communication skills. Maintain effective relationships between the ward and the multi-disciplinary team. To maintain accurate and comprehensive records of patients care in line with the NMC code for record keeping. Co-ordinate clinical activities within the ward and have responsibility for shift management. Ensure patients and relatives needs are met in a courteous, helpful and compassionate manner. Ensure all new starters and learners are supported in becoming competent and capable practitioners by employing and assessing against appropriate development programmes and/or local competency frameworks. Act as an advocate for work based learning within the Trust, supporting staff and their inter-professional learning practice. Explore and exploit opportunities for learning, development and change, facilitate staff ownership of change and ensure robust systems of evaluation are in operation. Identify good practice and foster a culture which celebrates and shares good practice. Scope and develop Learning Needs Analysis in conjunction with the ward manager for the unit. Support staff where they are under a performance management process, that have a learning and development need. Participate in the formation of development objectives for individuals incorporating any knowledge and skills frameworks, monitoring and facilitating gateway accessibility. Provide information, guidance, advice, support and recommendations to improve service and training quality. Develop assessors and supervisors skills through coaching style to effectively feedback including clinical skill assessments. Share lessons learnt through investigations, critical incident analysis and encourage others to do the same. Encourage and support staff to raise concerns through incident reporting, freedom to speak you, whistle blowing policy. Comply with the Data Protection Act to ensure appropriate action is taken to ensure confidentiality and protection of patient information. Professional Always behave in a manner that upholds the reputation of the nursing profession and the organisation, adhere to trust policy. Accountable for your own professional registration and revalidation demonstrate professional leadership adhering to NMC code of professional conduct. Keep abreast of new health care related developments, ensuring that nursing practice is up to date, evidence based and cost effective. Responsible for the development and maintenance of personal professional portfolio to ensure timely revalidation. Participate in clinical supervision. Interpersonal Skills Work collaboratively with all key stakeholders to facilitate evidence based practice in an environment which continually strives to deliver excellence in healthcare. Be able to communicate to people in a form and manner which is consistent with their level of understanding, culture, background and preferred way of communication. Be able to educate and practice high standards of basic nursing care and knowledge. To support and inspire colleagues working within the relevant field in developing advanced knowledge & skills and competent professional practice. Be able to teach and present to large groups. Employ motivational, persuasive, empathetic and physical communication skills using a wide range of media. Produce and contribute to reports, action plans and strategy documents as required. Equality & Diversity Acts in a way that supports equality and values diversity. Develop a culture that promotes equality and values diversity. Develop an understanding of the quality & diversity agenda, in all staff. Participate in Equality and Diversity Impact Assessments as appropriate. Health Safety & Security Monitors and maintain health, safety and security of self and others within the organisation. Promote, monitor and maintain best practice in health, safety & security. Develop and maintain an environment and culture that improves health, safety & security. Carry out or participate in risk assessments to identify the risks involved in the work activity and process. How to manage or contribute to the management of the identified risk. How to help others correctly identify, report and manage all risks, critical incidents and near misses.
Job tags
£35.39k - £42.62k per annum