Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire | United Kingdom
Job description
Teddy is generally easy going and friendly with most dogs- but prefers people. He goes on regular walks with a dog walker and has been well socialized since a pup. He can however be a little possessive with random things - from a toy, a stick he finds or even if another dog tries to drink his puddle! We have had no issues with any squabbles and he is easily recalled to be put back on leash. He is very good driven and can be guilty of manipulating a treat from others! He sleeps in a dog bed by our bed- a fairly recent development, for about four years after he was done with his initial crate training, he had the run of our dining room and kitchen, where he slept. To our knowledge, he has no allergies and is up to date with vaccines and flea/worming treatment. Besides an eye infection, he has never required a trip to the vets so is generally a happy and healthy dog- although a little tubby.
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