NHS Jobs
Gorleston, Norfolk | United Kingdom
Job description
Please find attached our Job Description and Person Specification for more detail on your Key Accountabilities, then if you feel you have what it takes to make a difference in your local communities, click APPLY! Health Education England commissioned Skills for Health to develop a career and competence framework for Liaison and Diversion practitioners with the aim of developing a flexible workforce able to respond to people with vulnerabilities who are either in or at risk of becoming involved with the Criminal Justice System. The framework helps support the development and growth of the workforce in this area, within mental health services and supports the movement of staff between the different roles across the non-custodial criminal justice services, such as Reconnect, Court Health services, Court Wellbeing/MHRT teams and L and D services. The link to the competency framework can be found below. Any new recruits will work through the framework with their mentor and line Manager during their induction period. Candidates may only be given a minimum of 3 days notice regarding interviews. You will be contacted via email and invited to book a time. These emails may go to your SPAM, so please keep checking all your emails if applying. Please visit our Facebook and Twitter page @SouthgateNSFT and @NSFTjobs
Job tags
£35.39k - £42.62k per annum