Durham, County Durham | United Kingdom
Job description
Leadership Scale Range 4-8
An enthusiastic and outstanding Lead Practitioner of Maths who is able to inspire every child through their passion for their subject and our school values.
Staff will:
- Contribute effectively to the work of the school and to the achievement of the ‘School Improvement Priorities’.
- Play a full part in the life of the school community, to support our distinctive aims and ethos, to encourage staff and students to follow this example.
- Follow school policy regarding care, support and supervision of students.
- Attend training and development activities and courses, ensuring continuing, personal and professional development.
- Contribute to a welcoming school culture by promoting mutual respect for all.
- Comply with any reasonable request from a leader to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this .
- Work as a team member.
- Act as a role model to students in speech, dress, behaviour and attitude.
- Have common duties in the areas of: Quality Assurance, Communication, Professional Practice, Health & Safety, and General Management (where applicable), Financial Management (where applicable), Appraisal, Equality & Diversity, Confidentiality and Induction.
All teaching staff will:
- Work within the National Conditions for Employment of School Teachers (STPCD).
- Uphold and observe the Professional Code for Teachers (GTC) and meet the National Standards for Qualified Teachers.
- Promote the school’s stated ethos and support the school’s policies in student leadership and Management.
- Support and encourage colleagues at all levels within the school.
- Contribute to and implement the annual School Improvement Plan and agreed policies.
- Teach as directed throughout the school, subject to appropriate training.
- Expect, monitor and improve progress in student learning.
- Contribute to the personal and social development of all students.
- Participate in the pastoral management and delivery of the schools Personal Social Health Citizenship and Enterprise Education programme (PSHCEE) as requested.
- Take part in quality assurance and performance management procedures outlined in an agreed school policy.
- Take responsibility for personal development.
All subject staff will:
- Take full responsibility for ensuring a scheme of work is delivered to students in their allocated classes.
- Plan lessons using a range of strategies to meet student’s individual learning needs understood from attainment and supporting data.
- Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of their subject, its teaching and place in the National Curriculum and that of the school.
- Use the models set out in School Policies for delivery of lessons.
- Set homework according to school and department policies.
- Mark, assess record and report on student’s achievements, setting appropriate targets. Keep to deadlines for reporting, marking, submission of coursework and assignments.
- Prepare students for examinations when required, taking part in standardising and moderating activities required by departments and examination boards.
- Contribute to the development of schemes of work, school and department policies as appropriate.
- Attend and contribute to appropriate meetings and professional development activities.
- Take an active part in the school’s self-evaluation process, including the completion of appropriate documentation, and contribute to this process within the subject area.
- Undertake whatever other duties might reasonably be requested by the Head Teacher or Subject Leader.
All form leaders:
- Are responsible for day-to-day administration in the form group.
- Review and discuss student’s work and welfare, setting targets as necessary.
- Meet with parents including school calendared meetings.
- Promote good behaviour and positive attitudes at all times.
- Support form, year and school activities as appropriate.
- Deliver an appropriate programme of form group activities, including the agreed PSHCE programme.
Teachers who have passed the Threshold or are employed as a Lead Practitioner should ensure that they continue to meet Threshold Standards and should demonstrate that they make an active contribution to the policies and aspirations of the school.
- They provide a role model for teaching & learning.
- Make a distinctive contribution to the raising of student standards.
- Contribute effectively to the work of the wider team.
- Take advantage of appropriate opportunities for professional development, using outcomes effectively to improve students’ learning.
There is a clear expectation that Post-Threshold Teachers and/ or Lead Practitioners will take a lead role in the development of other teaching staff and will welcome Student and Newly Qualified Teachers and visitors, by prior arrangement, into their learning environment.
- To raise standards of attainment and achievement in the subject.
- To assist the Subject Leader in the leadership and development of the subject.
- To be responsible for agreed aspects of the subject (negotiated annually).
- To be responsible for an agreed area of whole school responsibility, negotiated annually with the Headteacher.
- Contribute to the development of school policy through participation in appropriate meeting groups, committees and working parties.
- Liaise as appropriate with external agencies including the LA achievement services.
- Support the school ethos and policies in relation to students, parents, the local community and other external groups.
- Provide reports as appropriate for Governors on activities and progress within the area of responsibility.
- Be accountable for the performance of students against targets in the appropriate curriculum area(s).
- Prepare reports as required analysing student progress and performance in the designated area.
- Establish and maintain a safe, healthy and attractive environment for learning.
- Manage budgets allocated to the area following all Trust procedures.
- Deploy staffing and physical resources effectively to support the delivery of high quality teaching and learning.
- Ensure all relevant health and safety requirements are complied with, bringing concerns to the attention of the relevant staff promptly.
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