Quickrush Infosolution Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi | India
Job description
Role/Process Flow For The Officer Credit (OC)
- The OC must refresh the dashboard every time he/she is done with working on a file. The dashboard will reflect all files in DOVR status.
- The first file in the queue, which is identified by the date and time of the file achieving the DOVR status, should be taken up for preparing the interview sheet.
- Appraisal and preparation work for making a call to the customer:
- Check the loan application form for completeness. Note down all columns which have to be completed along with any questions.
- Also check the loan application and corroborate with supporting documents as explained in the appraisal section of this document
- Calculate eligibility which is IIR, FOIR and LCR. Check these with the Officers interview sheet, in case of large differences, make notes and later call the officer for clarity.
- Check for proof of own contribution, make notes and write questions to ask the customer
- Prepare notes related to the profile of the customer which should include questions on his past employment, family details,
- Calling the customer:
- Follow the script in terms of courtesies. Script provided with this note.
- Scripts are provided for many of the common objections raised by customers and training will be provided for handling objections.
- You must ensure that everything that the customer needs to comply with is bound by a date and time. This date and time must be updated in the next action column details.
- All attempts must be made to ensure that the customer emails the required documents and if there is no alternative an appointment is fixed for the SO to pick up the documents.
- Confirm NECESSARILY if the customer is aware of a BSA in case the BSA code is mentioned on the application form. State the confirmation in the remarks column of the interview sheet.
- Also confirm that the only payment made is towards the processing fee and that the same has been done by cheque. State the confirmation in the remarks column of the interview sheet.
- Complete the interview sheet
- Keep checking the dashboard
Job Description Of Officer Credit - Ensure all DOVR files achieve status ITPD or ITSC within 4 hours of the file achieving DOVR status.
- Prepare a note sheet with notes reflecting all queries and pending documents. This note sheet is the support tool to call the customer and resolve pending issues
- NECESSARILY call the customer. We expect all customers to be called so that we acknowledge the receipt of his application and papers. Confirm pending documents, agree to next action for every document and query. There are instances when a customer is unable to take a call, in such cases send an email.
- Prepare the interview sheet on line and as part of the interview sheet, update all pending documents and queries. All pendencys to be assigned for next action, date & time, the person who will perform the next action.
- Refresh dashboard to understand if all pending documents and queries are resolved even while the status remains ITPD.
- Ensure all actions due by all concerned are taken, follow up done with the customer and SO, if required, new action date and time assigned. Wherever required due escalations to be done for non performance of action due
- It is expected that the Officer Credit will complete the file and move it to RHDFC stage in 3 working days of the file achieving DOVR status.
- 80% of the files submitted as RHDFC should not appear in File Requirements (FR).
- The rest 20% should be resolved within 2 working days of the FR being raised.
- All queries raised or pending documents identified by HDFC need to examined and in case not found genuine, revert to HDFC immediately so that the file does not reflect in FR for the wrong reasons.
- If the FR status is agreed upon, then speak to the customer and / or the SO, resolve the query, update and revert to HDFC. In case the query resolution requires submission of a document, try to secure the same on email preferably so as to save time. If the documents are voluminous or cannot be mailed for any other reason, ensure assignment to the customer and / or the SO such that the files move to Re-review stage within 2 days of the FR being raised.
Skill Sets Required For This Job Description Conversation Skills: The OC should be able to converse in the local and English language fluently. Must not reflect a local language bias whilst conversing in English
Analytical Skills: Ability to analyse the individuals application in terms of ability to pay, reasons for the person to pay a higher EMI than the norms, derive the cost of property taking into account localised costs elements, decipher KYC documents and ensure compliance, read the CIBIL report and interpret scores. Identify any hints of fraud in documents or nervousness in speech leading to suspicion. Ability to read a bank statement, identify abnormal trends and seek clarifications.
Ability to convince: Must possess probing skills to ask and seek so as to be convinced herself. Carry convictions and ability to convince through written language and if required through verbal skills another person in HDFC appraising the file.
Appraisal - Loan Application Form:
- KYC check on address and identity with the KYC documents submitted.
ii. Income details match with the income proof papers provided
iii. Bank details on the form match the statements provided
iv. Property cost on the form matches with property related documents provided
- Own contribution details on the form match with proof provided
vi. BSA code mentioned on the form matches the one reflecting on the system
vii. Obligations mentioned on page 3 of the form reflect in the bank statements
viii. Property address as mentioned on the form and the property documents submitted
ix. Signature on the form matches with signatures on self attested KYC documents
Incentive Plan for the Officer Credit
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