The Filmy Reporter
Dwarka | India
Job description
Responsibilities :
1. Work on content creation that includes taking interviews shooting public opinion (voxpop) News Desk anchoring for our news channel
2. Collect information from ground zero
3. Work on researching and making a story on the current issues
4. Stay uptodate on the latest news developments by attending events studying different papers opinion pieces and social media
5. Keep records of all notes interviews and audio files
6. Create trustworthy relationships with contacts and sources for use in future research
1. An entertainment journalist enthusiast with a pleasant personality who can manage interviews singlehandedly
2. A gogetter who can create and maintain direct relationships with cinema audiences celebrities or PR agencies to get maximum interactions/interviews
3. Someone who loves being in front of the camera and does not shy away from working on unique ideas apart from general interviews
4. Someone who can come up with new ideas to create our own trends for others to follow
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