

Your Career. Our Passion.

Construction Project Manager



Bangalore | India

Job description


Role : Construction Project Manager

An Architectural Project Manager oversees all aspects of the design and construction process of a building project. They monitor every step of the process, which includes anything from developing and reviewing building plans to making sure a project

meets safety and environmental standards.

The ideal candidate will be responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing projects within the decided-upon budget, timeline, and scope. They will also effectively monitor and present project updates to relevant stakeholders, clients, or project team members.


Typical Duties And Responsibilities



Inches N Feet is a design and build firm that has a team of passionate Architects, Interior Designers, and Engineers. Our the goal is to provide the best design solutions to our clients based on their financial, cultural, and philosophical needs while implementing the latest and innovative design and construction techniques.

This company was founded by young architects Vipan Singh and Shana Parveen, who got their architectural education from the prestigious institute NIT Bhopal. We have done multi-disciplinary projects in the USA, the Middle East, and India. Till now, we have completed around 200 projects which include Landscaping, Interior Design, Façade Design, Product Design, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Workspace Design, and many more.

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