

Your Career. Our Passion.

Manager-Electrical Project

StepsWorths Consultancy Services


Gurgaon | India

Job description

Posi&on Title: Electrical Project Manager
Department: Project Management
Loca&on: [Head Office] with frequent visits to project sites across India
Repor&ng To: Projects Head / OperaCons Head
Posi&on Summary: The Electrical Project Manager is responsible for overseeing all aspects of
electrical and instrumentaCon projects, from iniCal cosCng and design to project handover. This
role involves extensive technical experCse, project management skills, and collaboraCon with
various teams to ensure the successful execuCon of projects. The Electrical Project Manager
plays a pivotal role in the planning, execuCon, and delivery of electrical systems within EPC
(Engineering, Procurement, and ConstrucCon) projects.
Key Responsibili&es:
1. Project Cos&ng and Budge&ng:
o Collaborate with the esCmaCng team to prepare accurate cost esCmates for
electrical and instrumentaCon components.
o Ensure that project budgets are well-defined and adhere to cost control
measures throughout the project lifecycle.
2. Design and Material Selec&on:
o Work closely with design engineers to develop electrical systems and
instrumentaCon soluCons that meet project specificaCons.
o Assist in the selecCon of materials, including electrical panels, cables, automaCon
systems, and other relevant components.
3. Technical Exper&se:
o Provide technical guidance and experCse in electrical and instrumentaCon
o Review and approve technical documents, drawings, and specificaCons.
4. Project Planning:
o Develop comprehensive project plans, including Cmelines, resource allocaCon,
and procurement schedules.
o Coordinate with other project managers and departments to ensure seamless
integraCon with overall project plans.
5. Project Execu&on:
o Oversee the execuCon of electrical and instrumentaCon works at project sites
across India.
o Monitor progress, quality, and safety compliance.
o Resolve technical issues and challenges that may arise during construcCon.
6. Vendor Management:
o Evaluate and select subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors for electrical
components and services.
o NegoCate contracts and ensure compliance with project requirements.
7. Quality Assurance and Control:
o Implement quality control measures to ensure that electrical systems meet
industry standards and project specificaCons.
o Conduct regular inspecCons and quality audits.
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8. Risk Management:
o IdenCfy potenCal risks and develop miCgaCon strategies to minimize project
o ProacCvely address any issues that may impact project Cmelines or budgets.
9. Client Communica&on:
o Maintain regular communicaCon with clients to provide project updates and
address their concerns.
o Ensure client saCsfacCon and manage expectaCons effecCvely.
10. Documenta&on and Repor&ng:
o Maintain accurate project records, including documentaCon of design changes,
approvals, and project progress.
o Generate regular reports for senior management and stakeholders.
11. Health, Safety, and Environmental Compliance:
o Ensure compliance with all safety and environmental regulaCons and standards.
o Promote a culture of safety on project sites.
12. Project Handover:
o Facilitate the smooth handover of completed electrical systems to the client.
o Ensure that all necessary documentaCon and training are provided to the client's
operaCons team.
Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field.
Proven experience in project management, parCcularly within the electrical and
instrumentaCon domain.
Strong technical knowledge of electrical systems, materials, and instrumentaCon.
Excellent communicaCon and leadership skills.
Project management cerCficaCon (e.g., PMP) is a plus.
Familiarity with relevant sodware tools and project management sodware.
Note: This Role Task Document outlines the primary responsibiliCes and qualificaCons for the
posiCon of Electrical Project Manager in our company. It is subject to change as the company's
needs evolve. The incumbent is expected to perform any other duCes as assigned by their Supervisor or manager

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