Chemist - Kurli Pune RMC Plant
India | India
Job description
Business Cement HO
Unit RMC
Location Poornata Position Number of the job Reports to: Poornata Position Number Poornata Position Title of the job Plant
Reports to: Poornata Position Title Plant In-Charge Quality
Function Quality and Technical Services
Reports to: Function Quality and Technical Services
Department Technical Services
Reports to: Department Technical Services
Designation of the Employee Designation of the Manager Date of writing/updation of JD January 2021
1) Job Purpose:Write the purpose for which the job exists (in 2-3 lines)
To ensure quality of raw materials and concrete at plants.
2) Dimensions: Mention quantitative or qualitative parameters that are relevant for the job and provide a better understanding of the scope and scale of the job.
Business Workforce Number
Unit Workforce Number
Function Workforce Number
Department Workforce Number
Other Quantitative and Important Parameters for the job: Budgets/ Volumes/No. of Products/Geography/ Markets/ Customers or any other parameter
3) Job Context & Major Challenges:Write the specific aspects of the job that provide a challenge (internal and external) to the jobholder in the context of the Business/Unit/Function/Department/Section
The RMC Industry is highly fragmented and very competitive. As a major RMC player we face competition from other organized players and local players which makes superior service delivery along with quality products important for good margins. There is huge growth in infrastructure which opens up opportunities for setting up commercial and dedicated plants. The plant and its resources need to be cost effective with focus on maximizing capacity utilization. This makes it imperative for each plant to be efficient and profitable. The plant employees need to be focused and deliver high performance in each of their KRAs and accountabilities.
4) Key Result Areas:Writethe key results expected from the job and the supporting actions for each of these key result areas (For a majority of jobs typically there could be 4- 7 key result areas)
Key Result Areas Supporting Actions
Business Development
- Conducting demos for VAC products to clients to help them understand their functionality
Customer Feedback
- Resolve day to day customer grievances related to cracks, workability, slump control, pumping issues cube failures etc. and take corrective and preventive actions based on site feedback
Maintenance Management
- Ensure the upkeep of the quality control labs with proper product display and availability of relevant BIS codes
- Maintain all the quality records on Labsys and update as per QCI and ISO. Maintain records related to calibration of all testing equipment
Product Testing
- Check the quality of the raw material to ensure adherence to desired standards and specifications. Reject the material that does not match the required specifications
- Collaborate with third party testing for the cubes as and when required
- Conduct testing of cubes of concrete to check if they are as per the Quality Standards
- Undertake trials for performance/ dosage of different admixtures, other special materials and routine products to ensure quality parameters are met
Production Execution
- Ensure workability and cohesiveness of concrete at plant and at pouring site
- Implement moisture corrections during production
- Monitor the right dosage/ admixture at batching plants during production
5) Job Purpose of Direct Reports:Describe the job purpose of the direct report/s to the job (in 2-3 lines for each report)
6) Relationships:Describe the nature and purpose of most important contacts or relationship (except superior/team members) with individuals, departments, organizations inside and outside of the organization, that job is required to interact with in order to deliver the job objectives
Relationship Type
Internal Application Engineer
Very High
- Site received concrete quality
- Client requirement
- Cube casting at site
- Pump line
Plant QC Executive
Very High
- Site structure
- RM quality
- Concrete correction
- Site/Customer issue
Plant Production Inchage
Very High
- New propose structure casting
- Pump line
- Client specific requirement
Plant Head
- RM related or Availability issue
- Lab Equipment related issue
- Plant Equipment related issue
- Lab helper related issue
- Upcoming RM shortage & it's corrective planning
Plant Executive Store Incahge
- RM Quality
- Requirement of RM
- Upcoming RM shortage & it's corrective planning
- New type of concrete recipe requirement
- Client specific requirement
- RM Quality related issue
- Customer complain & solution
- Upcoming structure & it's casting planning
External RM Vendor
- RM Quality concern
- RM Quality correction
Very High
- RM Arrival & Testing
- Outgoing Plant TM weighment
Lab Helper
Very High
- Lab Work
- SWP follow-up
- Lab Testing Work SOP follow-up
- Concrete Quality
- Concrete quantity
- Upcoming structure & it's casting planning
Pickup Tempo
- Cube collection
- RM sending for external testing
7) Organizational Relationships:Provide the structure for a level above and below the position for which this job description is written. Use position titles in the structured and indicate all the reports of the position.
SIGN-OFF:Provide the name of the Manager and the jobholder. Signature needed for the hard copy of the JD. Hard copy to be maintained in the organizational record.
Job Holder Reports to - Manager Name
Signature(needed for the hard copy)
Job tags