Work as a lead / mentor / guide in E2E PLM (Windchill) transformationengagements
Translates business requirements and objectives into PLM solution usingdifferent capabilities provided by tool.
Provides feedback on the efficiency and effectiveness of the businessprocesses.
Ability to identify and develop the solutions that can help customers to gainmajor business value
Mentoring the solution architects, developer and project leads in Windchilland ThingWorx area and provide guidance and review support
Good understanding of new concepts of Digital Thread, MBSE, ALM-PLM and SLMand the PTC capabilities in this area
Customer front ending to demonstrate capabilities that technology can offerand how the solution can bring the business value to me their objectives
Ability to develop Program plan using agile based implementation approach forlarge engagements
Ability to perform consulting and due diligence for understanding customersituation and provide guidance and translating it into viable project
Understanding of hosting Windchill and ThingWorx on cloud (AWS / Azure) andexperience in handling different cases like performance, security and costoptimization
Desired Candidate Profile Qualifications :BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING