

Your Career. Our Passion.

Web Front-End Developer



Gurgaon | India

Job description

Role : Web Front-End Developer


A potential candidate should be having adequate experience in web development in technologies including the following or similar:


Keywords Studios is an international technical and creative services provider to the global video games industry and beyond. We help our customers imagine more for their IP's, bringing to life digital content that entertains, connects, challenges and educates people worldwide. Established in 1998, we are a team of over 12,000 based across more than 70 facilities in 26 countries, strategically located in Asia, the Americas, Australia and Europe. We provide integrated art creation, marketing services, game development, testing, localization, audio, community management and player support in more than 50 languages and 16 games platforms to a client base of over than 950 clients across the globe.

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