

Your Career. Our Passion.

EHS Officer



Kota | India

Job description

1.Handling environment legal (Statutory Regulatory) requirement and ensure the fulfill of compliance of plant office with coordination with Management.

2.Develops and implements EHS strategies, practices and action plans to ensure corporate sustainable development with adhere to compliance of EHS policies

3.Co-ordinates all aspects of MOEF CC and regulatory bodies i.e., CPCB and RPCB etc.

4.Arrange for smooth QEHS Internal Audit coordinate certifying body to carried our external audit for certification.

5. Arrange for HIRA Aspect Impact and reduce an organizationSafety environmental risks.

6.Promotes, raises awareness and trains staff at all levels on environmental OH S issues and responsibilities.

7.Ensure that industrial operations follow state and Central OH S and environmental regulations.

8.Inform to regulatory body about environmental, safety and fire incident and investigate the accident corrective action Preventive actions with RCA (root cause analysis) and develop action plans with coordination of management.

9.Conduct training including presentations for health safety matters.

10.Investigate accidents and incidents to find cause and take prevention measures for further incidents

11.Follow the hierarchy of hazard Risk prevention Provide PPEs to company personal as per PPE matrix i.e., requirements according to requirements specific,

12.Ensure that all fire prevention equipment should be in ready condition 24*7.

13.Suggest to management for environment, health, safety regulation for company`s EHS sustainability.

14.Apply in state and central regulatory body for EHS related award for organization.

15.Organize and celebrate Safety Day and Environment Day in organization.

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