Kochi | India
Job description
Customerexperienceisattheforefrontofeverythingwedo.Tohelpusbuildfunctionalsystems that improve customer experience, we are now looking for an experienced DevOps Engineer.
This candidate will automate the build and deployment of product updates, identify production issues,andimplementintegrationsthatmeetourcustomers'needs.We'dlovetospeak withyou if you have a solid background in DevOps engineering.
AsaSrDevOpsEngineer, youwillberesponsiblefor:
- Buildingandsetting upnewdevelopmenttoolsand infrastructure.
- Understandingtheneedsofstakeholdersandconveyingthistodevelopers.
- Recommend,implement,andmaintain continuousintegration/continuousdelivery (CI/CD) pipeline templates and best practices.
- Manage,develop,andimplementsolutionstofurther expandouruseofdeploymentand test automation technology across the organization following business objectives.
- Serveasaprimary pointofcontact andsubjectmatter expertforapplicationdeployment- related issues, concerns, and needs.
- Effectivelytranslateusecasesandrequirementsintorepeatableprocessesandsystem designs.
- Workingwithsoftwaredevelopersandengineerstoensurethatdevelopmentfollows established processes and works as intended.
- Currentwithindustrytrends, ITops,andindustrybestpractices,andabletoidentifythe ones we should implement.
- Haveabachelors degree in information technology,ComputerScience, orarelated field, plus five or more years of experience working with CI/CD less on infrastructure and more towards pipeline implementation, deployment.
- Haveexperienceautomatingdeploymentswithazure DevOps or GitHub action or GitLab,
- Having a working knowledge of databases like SQL is a plus.
- Have proficiency with any scripting languages. i.e. Bash, PowerShell, Python.
- Be familiarwithmonitoring&alertingcapabilitieswithanindustry-leadingtoollike Datadog.
ExpertiseinmanyofthebelowDevOpstools isdesired:
- ContinuousIntegration/ContinuousDeployment(CI/CD)Tools:Jenkins, Azure Pipelines, GitHub actions, etc.
- CloudPlatforms:Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, or GitLab.
- MonitoringandLoggingTools: Nagios,Datadog,Grafana, Prometheus,etc.
- VirtualizationTools:VirtualBox,VMware,Docker,etc.
At NOV, we power the industry that powers the world. The software arm of NOV isMax DigitalSolutions(MDS).AtMDS,weareateamofpassionateanddrivenindividualswho are committed to changing the way the world looks at technology and data.
Working with the latest technology and data analysis tools, were building the worlds mostinnovativebigdataplatform fortheenergy industry.Ourteamscollect,aggregate, and analyze data using cutting-edge technology to provide industry-leading data intelligence for our customers.
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