Presales Backend Executive
Hunarstreet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Pune | India
Job description
Key Responsibilities
- Support Sales amp; Presales Team for presales activities
- Handling Technical Support Calls amp; Tickets
- Resolving issues Remote Access, Phone Support, etc.
- Installation amp; Configuration of IceWarp, MySQL Database, SSL, Linux amp; Windows Server OS
- Installation amp; configuration of Security Solutions MDM, ZTNA
- Performing Migration amp; Go Live Activities
- Present Demos.
- Handling Presales queries L1L2
Qualification And Requirements Experience: 14 years previous Presales experience
Excellent Communication
Bachelors degree or equivalent
Skills amp; Competencies: a Administration of Windows
b Administration of Linux CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu
c Network level skills
d Email protocols SMTP, POP3, IMAP
e MS SQL Server, MySQL Server Installation, configuration, fine tune, backup restore, query execution, troubleshooting
f Experience with ActiveDirectory and LDAP.
g Knowledge on VPN Technologies
h Knoweldge on MDM
i Experience with the administration of Email Messaging amp; Archiving M365Google WorkspaceMS ExchangeLotus
j Experience in Virtualization VMWare, HyperV
k Knowledge in SSL Certificates
l Knowledge of helpdeskticketing system KayakoZendesk
m Technical understanding Systems, Database, Networks
n Very Good communications skills English, written amp; spoken
- High customer orientation, communication strength, team ability
p Selfinitiative motivation willingness to learn
q 5 years of experience in the same domain
Skills: selfinitiative motivation willingness to learn,presales,email security,resolving issues remote access, phone support, etc.,handling presales queries l1l2,ms sql server, mysql server installation, configuration, fine tune, backup restore, query execution, troubleshooting,experience in virtualization vmware, hyperv,present demos,technical understanding systems, database, networks,administration of windows,email protocols smtp, pop3, imap,high customer orientation, communication strength, team ability,sales,support sales amp; presales team,experience with the administration of email messaging amp; archiving m365google workspacems exchangelotusdominopostmasterzimbramdaemon,administration of linux centos, debian, ubuntu,network level skills,knowledge on vpn technologies,knowledge of helpdeskticketing system kayakozendesk,very good communications skills english, written amp; spoken,performing migration amp; go live activities,experience with activedirectory and ldap,knoweldge on mdm,installation amp; configuration of security solutions mdm, ztna,knowledge in ssl certificates,handling technical support calls amp; tickets,5 years of experience in the same domain,installation amp; configuration of icewarp, mysql database, ssl, linux amp; windows server os,backend executive
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