Unicode Systems
Noida | India
Job description
Designing is the arena which gives you an opportunity to play with forms, figures & colors & create something novel & attractive. Web designing is no different than this. It is also a game of molding the things according to ones creativity & the available tools of designing. We take pride in our designing ability & strive to increase it continuously by way of hiring the professionals having imaginative powers & IT skills to implement their creativity into the web.
We want the designing professionals who areUnicode Systems appreciates your creative skills & gives you an opportunity to explore the new dimensions of designing on the designing languages & tools like CSS, DHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Website Templates (WEB2.0 Standard), Dreamweaver, Netbeans. You can grow & evolve with us as an efficient Web designer by brushing up your skills by the way of our regular training programmes.
While working with us you will haveSo, to enjoy a better IT Career join us now & feel the actual IT world.
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