Coders Brain Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Pune | India
Job description
In general this role will carry out some or all of the following activities
Designing Customizing & Developing MS Teams SharePoint Microsoft 365 Power Platforms
The key document management and workflow requirements are:
a. Collaboration (multiple authors contributors reviews approvers)
b. Content management
c. Document type management
d. Review & approval workflow management
e. Roles & Responsibilities management for the document
f. User Access management and configuration g. KPI s producing and automating metrics reporting around the document production and review/challenge workflow (this has very close and senior attention)
h. Audit trail (this is a regulatory application and extensive evidence will be required)
i. Cloud storage (for multiuser collaboration and largedocument handling)
Design of the customisation policies procedures for successful document management and workflow of the regulatory application
Delivers the required customisations and implementation of the target workflow and policies pertaining to the document management
Conducts user communication and training for successful adoption of the workflow
Provides support for errors issues and user queries
Implements and runs KPI s on the document workflow providing reporting to the programme governance
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