BLOWROOM- Inspection of Laydown, Laydown Change Monitoring and ensuring MPM is remaining full. Check sorting and waste removing points in machine.
CARDING- End breakage, cv% in sliver, suction monitoring in waste removing points.
LAP FORMER- Lap preparation in proper way without lap linking problem. Cross checking at every stage.
DRAW FRAME- Monitoring end and creel breakage, follow up all work practice system as roll change, joint material fan waste removaletc.
SPEED FRAME- Studying and monitoring doff breakage of every speed frame and resolve if any technical issue is found.
RING FRAME- Collect all data from the SMS system as EM time, rough spindle end and full doff breakage, collect unit/kg data. Take round of each machine.
WINDER- Collect alarms & cut reports daily and take actions if required.
To maintain and ensure quality control & to check machine cleaning system as per SOP. Check R&D report in shift and act ifany abnormality is found in report.
During shift change time, ensure optimization of manpower and allocation as per requirement, worker hand over to be smoothly done. Take meeting, randomly for health & safety policy, and help in training and development and work practice.