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Patna | India

Job description


Role : Food Technologist


Desired Candidate Profile

Minimum 1 year of relevant experience / Fresher


Suguna Food

Suguna Group was founded in the year 1984 with the inception of Suguna Foods in poultry sector by first generation entrepreneurs.

Suguna is a USD 1.3 billion (INR 9,000 cr) group and leader in Indian protein food/animal farming industry. With an employee footprint of more than 8500, the group is in to poultry, dairy, processed protein food, animal nutrition, healthcare & biologicals.

Group companies are Suguna Foods, Suguna Dairy, Globion, Aminovit Srilanka, Suguna Bangladesh and Kenya.

Suguna Foods is the largest poultry enterprise in India and it ranks among the top 10 worldwide. The fully integrated operations cover broiler and layer farming, hatcheries, feed mills, processing plants, vaccines and exports. Suguna markets live broiler chicken, value added eggs, ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook chicken products. With the intent to provide consumers with fresh, clean and hygienic packed chicken, Suguna has set up a chain of modern retail outlets in the name of 'Daily Fressh'.

Suguna Foods pioneered contract farming in poultry industry, and now has presence in 21 states in India. Suguna as a brand is known for its quality products which has been well accepted by the consumers. Suguna Group always believes in energising rural India and providing nutritional security to India and is proud to associate with the mission of improving livelihood of 38,000 farmers.

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