L&T Geostructure
Vadodara | India
Job description
The candidate shall have hands-on engineering knowledge and experience on the following proficiencies in respect of theSea/River Water Intake/Outfall system in India and abroad for plant / municipal usage (concept to complete construction): 1)Preparation of RFQ documents for offshore/onshore topographic & bathymetric survey, climate/Hydrometeorology, marine surveyand hydrology data (wave & tidal studies, current, sediment transportation....) etc. 2) Interpretation of the above surveydata/reports, EIA study, thermal dispersion study including preparation / interpretation of various mathematical models (Thermal recirculation, Hydraulic & Sediment modeling etc.) 3) Preparation of various options with cost and final selection of appropriatewater intake / discharge system, suiting to the site conditions, preparation of the layout, hydraulic / physical / structural design withcommercial software 4) Familiar with the navigational aspects, local Statutory requirements, marine life safety to incorporate in thedesign, Shoreline protection, Breakwater design, Erosion protection, soil improvement, dredging work etc. as required. 5) Specialdesign requirements for sub-marine pipeline, access bridge etc. 6) Sound knowledge in Construction enabling works - Sheet piling,Cofferdam, Well sinking etc. as part of offshore / onshore construction / installation process to support the customer during projectexecution
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