India Optel Limited
Dehradun | India
Job description
Interested candidates may download the prescribed format of application available at India Optel limited under Careers section and submit the same in Hard copy through speed post/courier service to Works Manager (HR), India Optel Limited, Corporate Headquarters, OFILDD Campus, Raipur, Dehradun (UK)-248008. The last date of receipt of Applications at IOL HQ is 15 days from the opening date of publication of advertisement in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar /Newspapers i.e. 09/03/2024. The publication date of advertisement is 24/02/2024. Application through any other mode other than as specified in detailed advertisement shall not be entertained. Application received after due date will not be entertained nor any correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. Important Notice:- APPLICANTS ARE INFORMED THAT ADVANCE SCANNED COPY OF APPLICATION ALONG WITH ENCLOSURES (PDF) AGAINST ADVERTISEMENT FOR COMPANY SECRETARY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT SHALL BE ACCEPTED SPECIFICALLY AND ONLY THROUGH THE DESIGNATED E-MAIL ID SCANNED APPLICATIONS RECEIVED THROUGH ANY OTHER E-MAIL ID OF THE COMPANY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.. JOB Details:-Job tags