As a Computer Vision engineer, you will be part of the team that develops new functionality and enhances existing functionality using State of the Art Computer Vision and Machine Learning Algorithms.
You will work closely with a motivated team to take concepts from ideation to deployment.
3+ Years experience
Excellent programming skills in C++, Python
Excellent understanding of computer vision concepts, including knowledge of using OpenCV.
Exposure to Data structures / Algorithms
Strong knowledge of software design principles, patterns, and S/W Engg practices Ability to design and document code, write unit tests
Familiarity with GPU computing (CUDA)
Hands-on experience in software development on Linux platforms
Experience in FP16/Mixed Precision and INT8 Optimised Inference on Intel/Nvidia Hardware
Exposure to deep learning algorithms for Image Classification, Object Detection, Semantic Segmentation and OCR would be a big plus
Familiarity with anyone of the deep learning frameworks - Pytorch, TensorFlow etc would be a big plus
Experience with Docker and messaging systems would be big plus