RECEX Pvt. Ltd.
Kolkatta | India
Job description
. Invo lv e d i n the a udit process including planning, execution and finalization of financial statements a long
with notes to accounts.
. Understanding & Evaluating client’s internal control systems / procedures with the objective of highlighting
shortcomings and implementing necessary recommendations.
. Signif i c ant areas of audit : Re v e nue, Recei v a bles, Material Costs, Inventory, Payables, Expenses, Payroll,
Treasury etc.
. Invo lv e d i n s i g nif i c ant data analysis of MIS and other information including month on month variances,
budgeted vis-à-vis actuals, margins, ageing analysis, physical verification of Inventory e tc.
. E nsuring Compliance with Ind A S & I ndian GAAP .
. Preparing a udit committee presentations and audit reports .
. A c ti v e ly been part of implementing Di g i t al T ransformation in auditing approach by using Data A n alytics
tools e.g. General Ledger A n aly z e r, Trade Receiv able A n alyzer, Payroll A n aly z e r etc.
. Preparation of Memo on various technical aspects etc. and various c ert i fi c at i on wor k.
. Managing c l i e nt interactions, coaching, supervision, review of work done by juniors, ensuring quality of
work and gett i ng assignments completed on a timely basis .
. D e v e loping and maintaining s trong working relationships with key business decision makers a nd
communicating with clients/ senior management personnel to pro v ide highlight on findings, r ecommending
correct i ve a ct i o ns and driving client meetings .
Audit,Statutory Audit
Designation: CA - Statutory Audit
Vacancies: 1
Experience: 2.0 Year(s) - 3.0 Year(s)
Job tags
Rs 6 - 7 lakhs p.a.