Growing overall portfolio of Gold loan Business againest the set target on monthly basis
Collection Gold loan Interest from the customers by co ordinating with the team of ground level
Following up non performing asset in the cluster and closing the accounts in specified tieline.
Ensure the gold growth of gold weight under management on Quarterly Basis
Ensuring the Growth of Customer base who are active through out the cluster
New Customer aquasation on daily basis by a regorous follow-up with team
Ensuring the loans are renewed loans are renwed yearly basis which croses the spesipic time
Take over the gold loan from various Sources by making use of the month-on-month activities
Focusing on resource mobllization and cross selling of other product which are part of business target.
Eligibility: -
Candidate who is currently working as Branch Manager/ AMIC in the grade of Asst Manager II and above with Minimum 4 years of Experience in the above Grades.
Candidate Should possess good communication skill in local language. Required Computer, excel and Liaison skills.