Preparation and submission of QA requirements as per Technical specifications during pre-bid for Mechanical packages of Renewable Projects.
Finalization of SQP with bidders during pre bid for electrical packages of various Projects.
Ensure the inspections and testing are performed on proposed schedule given by the Vendor as per SQP either through nominated Inspection agency or by utilizing QA team.
Ensure the testing parameters of coating thickness ,Uniformity of thickness, knife test, hammer test, Adhesion test, Salt spray test at factory.
To provide Technical support to FQA for Mechanical packages of Renewable Solar Projects.
To develop and strengthen SQPs based on lessons learnt from pervious projects for Mechanical packages of Renewable Projects.
Co-ordination with Internal and External customers for timely completion of all QA & Inspection activities.
Review of MIS for Inspection management , approved SQP's and quality issues.
Carryout new vendor assessment for Mechanical packages in solar projects as per the requirement.
Perform the Inspection as per the assigned inspection call on proposed date for Mechanical packages of Renewable Projects.
To Carry out Construction/ store audit as per Audit Plan.
Timely Resolution of Quality issues and issuance of MDCC for Mechanical packages in Renewable projects.
The mutilation of TPI man days within allocated budget.
Disposition of non conformity during Inspection of the Equipment for Mechanical packages.
Documents are uploaded in the common share folder on real time basis for QMS and CEIG.
Failure analysis of the Mechanical packages of renewable projects is carried out based on the requirement.
Qualifications Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical) Experience : 10 Years