Tata Housing Development Company Limited
Bangalore | India
Job description
Scope of the work: Pre-tender Work & Contract Award Process Prepare Contractors Requirement schedule from the Annual Engineering Plan and update as per project progress Identify, shortlist & empanel contractors Pre Qualify contractors for respective tenders. Initiate Contract Service Request after coordinating for all required information Initiate Tendering process and record all pre-tender communication Preparation of Contract Appreciation Documents for the project Co-ordinate with site employees to generate important records Preparation of Tender Documents Float tenders to shortlisted tenderers and receive priced tenders, Earnest Money Deposits (EMDs) and other submittals as stipulated in the Tender documents and shortlist valid tenderers Preparation of pre-bid queries Prepare & review pre tender estimates with rate analysis for each item according to specifications thereof Evaluate shortlisted tenders, negotiation with the tenderers and finalization of contractors Upon shortlisting of Bidder, initiate NFR in discussion with Project Head and Corporate Contracts Drafting of LOA / LOI for Project Head and Corporate Contracts Conduct Kick Off Meetings with Cross Functional Team Ensure that the Contract Schedule is submitted by the Contractor Issue LOI and follow up with the contractor for mobilization and submission of securities Prepare & issue Work Orders as per final mutually agreed terms with the contractor
Post Award Contract Administration · Contractual correspondence with the contractors pertaining to construction schedules, Bank Guarantees, quality of work, deviations, hindrances, recoveries, penalties, insurance policies, other statutory requirements, etc. · Prepare & issue the change orders / amendments and update the same in MIS · Co-ordinate with Consultants, Project Execution Team & other Departments for drawings, reports, schedules & other data · Follow up with Project Execution Team and contractors for performance & timely completion · Track MIS for all documents (Tenders, Work Orders, Change Orders / Amendments, Cancellations, Insurance policies, Bank Guarantees, etc.) · Keep track of entire correspondence & documents pertaining to each contract · Closure of contract after the end of Defects Liability Period · Ensure Monthly tracking by the Planning Manager and officially communicate deviations w.r.t Contract schedule, to the contractor · Ensure preparation of Drawing Issue Schedule by Planning Manager and track the issue as per agreed schedule · Conduct Weekly Progress & Co-ordination review meetings with Contractors, under the Lead of the Project Head, prepare MOM, track and communicate deviations · Track resources requirement schedule and communicate the deviation to the contractors · Track bill date V/s Payment date and ensure that the Execution Manager along with Billing Engineer, process the Bill within a Timeframe · Receive Claims of Contractor, review with Project Head and Corporate Team and coordinate for timely closure · Maintain log of Contractual correspondences (Letters/E-mails) and ensure that all communications of the Contractors are responded to within a reasonable time · Coordination meeting with dependent agencies to Clear front related issues · Prepare delay analysis report of each contractor · Maintain contract administration check list and related documents and formats and send related MIS · Keep records of stage passing register and ensure it is maintained Dispute Resolution Settlement of Disputes arising during contract and post contract Resolve disputes regarding claims amicably; as far as possible under the guidance of the Project Head & Corporate Contracts Team Provide technical aid to the Legal Department for matters under litigation and Arbitration Claims Management Analysis of claims, Costing of claims involved in Arbitration and DRB process of various claims Preparing Statement of Facts required for Arbitration and DRB process Briefing counsels for Arbitration cases Vendor Development and Relationships Build rapport and relationship with all key and critical vendors and contractors Ensure that vendor issues are addressed appropriately to ensure mutually rewarding relationships Implement a vendor certification system to ensure quality Review performance of vendors and contractorsJob tags