Institut Curie
Orsay, Essonne | France
Job description
About us Institut Curie is a major player in the research and fight against cancer. It consists of a Hospital group and a Research Center of more than 1000 employees with a strong international representativeness. The objective of the Research Center is to develop basic research and to use the knowledge produced to improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutics of cancers as part of the continuum between basic research and innovation serving the patient. Mission Laboratory The team “RNA, Tumor Microenvironment and Metastasis”, led by Albertas Navickas, has been recently established at Institut Curie, in the “Genome Integrity, RNA and Cancer” (UMR3348) department in Orsay. We focus on the gene regulatory networks promoting the establishment of the metastatic niche. The founding of the lab has been supported by the ATIP-Avenir program, ARC foundation, PSL Young Researcher Starting Grant, and Ruban Rose association. More information is accessible at The project Tumor-secreted RNA has gathered substantial attention due to its role in cell-cell communication within the tumor microenvironment and metastatic niche establishment. Extracellular RNA (exRNA) can activate the native immune response in the distant tissue, and establish there a pro-metastatic inflammatory environment. The molecular dissection of this process holds promise to advance our understanding of the early phases of the metastatic cascade, when therapeutic intervention is most effective. However, exRNA signaling in the metastatic niche remains poorly understood. We are looking to hire a postdoc with experience in RNA biology, whose project will consist of the characterization of exRNAs capable of inducing RNA signaling, and particularly focusing on extracellular double stranded RNA in triple negative breast cancer, using cell line, PDX organoid models and clinical samples. The project includes the possibility to collaborate with clinician scientists at Institut Curie. Profile Training and Skills required
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25k €/an