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Study of semileptonic B meson decays at LHCb



L'Europe | France

Job description

Job description:


The LHCb group of the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM) and Aix-Marseille University (AMU) invites applications for a PhD position with the LHCb experiment on semileptonic B meson decays and LHCb’s heterogeneous real-time selection software.

The LHCb experiment at the LHC proton-proton collider at CERN is dedicated to studies of heavy flavour physics, with the major goal to find deviations from the Standard Model of particle physics in decays of heavy hadrons. After a major upgrade, LHCb restarted data taking in 2022 with Run 3 of the LHC. The unprecedented data sample to be collected until 2025 will be the basis of this PhD project.

As successful candidate, you will play an active role in analysing decays of beauty mesons into final states with an excited charm meson, a lepton and a neutrino using Run 3 data. The aim of these studies is to characterize B → D* l ν decays with electrons in the final state.


You will perform studies of kinematic distributions of the decay products and asymmetries in these decays, which are sensitive to New Physics effects.

To this end, you will study the multidimensional distributions of the kinematic parameters that characterise the internal degrees of freedom of semileptonic multibody decays. You will employ a multidimentional fit, modeling background processes with templates and including detector resolution effects. The project will require the usage of modern computing techniques and machine learning approaches.

In addition to the physics analysis, you will perform studies for extending the existing real-time analysis software running reconstruction and selection algorithms on graphics processing units (GPUs). This is in preparation of LHCb’s next Upgrade, where a data rate five times larger than in Run 3 will have to be processed. Therefore, you will gain experience in developing within a heterogeneous software framework.

Work environment

Situated at the heart of the "Callanques National Park", on Luminy campus, CPPM is a joint research laboratory between CNRS and Aix-Marseille University with a staff of around 180 researchers, engineers and PhD students. The laboratory studies topics ranging from particle physics, astroparticle physics and cosmology, with a strong technological force in electronics, mechanics, instrumentation and IT, enabling the design and construction of state-of-the-art detector systems, often required to operate under extreme conditions: deep under the sea, in space or underground. Most of our research is carried out within leading international scientific collaborations and our contributions are recognized worldwide. CPPM is committed to ethical reserach and to diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and provides administrative and logistics support for newcomers, in particular for PhD students. (more details here: https://www.cppm.in2p3.fr/web/en/index.html)

The LHCb group at CPPM consists of five permanent researchers, four engineers, two postdoctoral researchers and three PhD students. We have been actively involved in studies of semileptonic and rare B decays, as well as in the development of the data acquisition system.

The position is funded by the ERC Starting Grant ALPaCA for exactly three years. As successful candidate you will be part of the doctoral school “Physics and Sciences of Matter” of Aix Marseille University, and travel to CERN regularly.


Applicants must hold, or are about to obtain, a Master’s degree in physics. Good knowledge of particle physics, mathematical methods of data analysis, and computer programming are required.

Application details and deadlines:

Applications should include a statement of interest (1 page), a CV (max 2 pages), two reference letters and if already available the (preliminary) grades of the Master’s degree. The statement of interest, CV and grades should be uploaded in the CNRS portal. Please arrange for the letters of reference to be sent to Dorothea vom Bruch ([email protected]) by the application deadline (19.3.2024). The appointment will start on October 1st 2024.

For more information, please contact Dorothea vom Bruch ([email protected]) and Anton Poluektov ([email protected]).

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