

Your Career. Our Passion.

Catholic Religious Education Coordinator

Music Ministry International


Us, 50250 | France

Job description

The successful candidate for this position will be a 1099 contractor with Music Ministry International and be responsible for the following:


1.1.1. SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITIES: The Catholic Religious Education Coordinator will serve as resource person advisor and coordinator of religious education (RE) for the Patrick Air Force Base Catholic community to include administration of the religious education program recruitment training and mentoring of Christian educators and the planning and conducting of an annual Vacation Bible School program. This includes formal religious education and spiritual development for adults teens children pre‐school sacramental preparation (including 1st Communion

Reconciliation and Confirmation programs) childrens liturgies and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

1.1.2. MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Possess knowledge of the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith and Catholic doctrine to include a minimum of two years experience as an RE coordinator or teacher. Have a minimum of two years experience working with worship liturgies and rites of the Roman Catholic Church. Possess coordination skills to be able to organize and communicate with chapel staff contractors and volunteers verbally and in writing. Be adept in organizational and administrative skills to include proficiency in computer skills such as Microsoft Word and Excel.

1.1.3. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: Hold office hours at least 3 days per week (Monday through Friday) for 4 hours per day and 3 hours on Sunday mornings. Office hours will be posted in Catholic bulletin. Additional hours may be required for major functions during the year (i.e. VBS Holy Days etc.). Plan organize and supervise RE classes during the months of September May. The classes will include: Elementary (Grades PreK 6): Sunday Mornings from; 26 per year Junior High (Grades 7 & 8): Sunday Mornings from; 26 per year RICA: Meeting 1 hour per week day and time TBD; 20 per year Register and assign all students teachers and aides (co‐teachers) to religious education classes as well as determine the size and number of classes at each age level. Submit an annual assessment and critique of the RE program to the Catholic priest and provide a copy to the chapel staff no later than 31 May. Attend all Parish Advisory Council meetings and weekly Chapel Staff meetings for informational and planning purposes. Submit RE Program updates changes and announcements to the Catholic Parish Coordinator for inclusion of the parish bulletin. Updates to the bulletin must be submitted at least one week prior to bulletin release. Recruit volunteer teachers (catechists) and volunteer assistants substitutes and other necessary staff for all RE classes. At least one catechist per class and one assistant to each catechist are required. In addition an updated record of contact information for each volunteer must be kept. This should include availability and schedule as well as current contact information in both electronic and hard copy formats. Provide orientation for new catechists and assistants on RE policies and available resources. Schedule plan organize and conduct annual catechist and assistant training prior to Catechist Sunday in

September or arrange for a qualified trainer to conduct this training in coordination with the Catholic Youth Coordinator and the Catholic priest. Quarterly in‐service training will also to be provided for all catechists and assistants. Meet individually with each new and returning catechist within 60 days of the beginning of RE classes to assess program needs. Plan events to honor and recognize all volunteers during the year. This will take place at least annually and will be funded using nonappropriated funds. Primary event will be coordinated with other community programs. In consultation with the Catholic priest and Catholic Parish Coordinator develop and submit an annual

RE program calendar of events to the Catholic priest for the period of September May noting class days training sessions special events and sacrament celebrations of First Reconciliation First Eucharist and Confirmation (if applicable). This is to be coordinated with the Catholic Youth Ministry Coordinator taking into account scheduled school vacations and federal holidays. Prepare the annual RE CTOF budget for submission to the Catholic Parish Coordinator no later than 31 May for final approval by the Catholic Priest. Coordinate all Appropriated Fund requests for textbooks supplies and equipment required to support the religious education program with the Catholic priest or his appointed representative no later than 31 May. Submit Chapel Tithe and Offering Fund (CTOF) requests as required in support of the parish religious education programs. Maintain a stock of expendable supplies and procure supplies as needed for the RE program in accordance with annual budget. All requests and purchases for supplies must be in accordance with chapel policy and procedures. Assess all texts to be used in the program prior to ordering for the next year. Assessment is to involve the catechists and Catholic priest. Submit all necessary facility requests for the use of chapel or other facilities to the chapel staff. Most submissions are on an annual basis. Provide and monitor a sacramental program to include First Reconciliation and First Eucharist and Confirmation for second graders and beyond. These sessions are separate from the regular religious education sessions and are to be conducted by the contractor or a trained volunteer catechist with times and days to be determined. Arrange parent sessions for each sacramental program that are conducted by the contractor or a qualified volunteer leader. Arrange rehearsals workshops and receptions in coordination with the chapel facilities manager for all sacramental celebrations. Program any special events or liturgies requested by the catechists in conjunction with the Catholic priest.

2.1. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The period of performance shall be from October 1 2020 September 30 2023

2.2. QUALITY CONTROL: The contractor shall develop and maintain an effective quality control program to ensure services are performed in accordance with this PWS.


New Years Day Labor Day

Martin Luther King Jr.s Birthday Columbus Day

Presidents Day Veterans Day

Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day

Independence Day Christmas Day

2.4. HOURS OF OPERATION: Normal business hours for the Chapel isMonday through Friday except for

Federal holidays or when the Government facility is closed due to local or national emergencies administrative closings or similar Government directed facility closings. Based on the hours listed for each position the contractor is responsible for work during normal business hours as well as during evenings and weekends when respective religious services and activities are being conducted. The Contractor must at all times maintain an adequate workforce for the uninterrupted performance of all tasks defined within this PWS when the Government facility is not closed for the above reasons.

When hiring personnel the Contractor shall keep in mind that the stability and continuity of the workforce are essential.

2.5. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The work to be performed under this contract will primarily be performed at

Seaside Chapel and/or South Patrick Chapel as well as any designated offsite locations required by a religious service event or activity.

2.6. PHYSICAL SECURITY: The contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding all government equipment information and property provided for contractor use. At the close of each work period government facilities equipment and materials shall be secured.

2.7. CONTRACTOR TRAVEL: Contractor will be authorized travel expenses consistent with the substantive provisions of the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) and the limitation of funds specified in this contract. All travel requires Government approval/authorization and notification to the COR.

2.8. TELECOMMUNTING: Telecommuting will be approved on a casebycase basis. Work may be performed at an alternate location using equipment which will be provided by the Government. The Contractor shall provide a written request with appropriate rationale for the CO approval prior to any telecommuting.

2.9. The Government will not assume operating costs associated with the Contractor using an alternative worksite.

2.9.1. The Government must authorize all equipment. The Contractor shall maintain availability during core hours via email and phone.

2.9.2. All expenses for Internet telephone connectivity and other equipment services shall be borne by the Contractor.

2.9.3. Classified work is not authorized under telecommuting or alternate worksite. Authorized telecommuting or alternate worksite locations do not abrogate the Contractors requirement for complying with the protection of information IAW DoD and USAF regulations Security and Protection of Information sections of this PWS contract clauses or DD Form 254.

2.10. LEAVE OF ABSENCE/SUBSTITUTIONS: Contractor shall provide the COR a twoweek notice of any planned or unplanned extended period of absence and if necessary arrange for a substitute. Extended period of absence is defined as an absence of three days or more. Substitutes qualifications must meet (including background check) requirements listed in Section 4 of this PWS.

Interested Candidates are requested to forward their resume together with three references from individuals who can attest to the candidates good work and steadiness. Candidates who do not possess the specific attributes/qualifications in 1.1.2. MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE QUALIFICATIONS above need not apply. This is a parttime position with compensation based on budget and the successful candidates experience and qualifications.

APPLY DIRECTLY at: (scroll down to Patrick). Your application must include three (3) references including one priest or pastor who can attest to your abilities as they relate to this job posting. References must include: name title organization relationship to you email address (necessary field) and phone number. Depending on security software candidates are requested to monitor spam folders for further application communications from MMI.

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