L'Europe | France
Job description
Job description:
The CPJ laureate will have the opportunity to make leading contributions to particle physics, supported by the laboratory's ATLAS team and its technical services.
The team's physics analysis activities revolve around the Higgs sector on the one hand, and the direct search for new physics on the other. The laureate will be particularly involved in the former, where he or she is expected to take a leading role in analyses aimed at determining the self-coupling of the Higgs boson, for example, and to develop new avenues of research within the ATLAS collaboration.
The team is currently involved in R&D and construction of the future ITK pixel tracker for ATLAS during the High-Luminosity phase of the LHC (2029-2041). The laureate will initially play an active role in preparing and monitoring production, then in the final integration of the detector and its commissioning at CERN. In addition, the laureate is expected to lead and organize a forward-looking physics activity at the LPSC in the vicinity of a future Higgs factory such as the FCCee, and to help define the R&D required for this purpose.
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